March Horoscopes by Sign


You need to pay attention all month as the energy of your home sign on the horizon has your feet moving faster than your mind. You will be particularly vulnerable to accidents as you rush into things based only on an emotional sense. Try to lean into the more ordered aspects of your drive and keep an eye to the basics. It may feel like you have all the energy in the world, but you will absolutely need to be aware for fluctuating levels of energy that can have you tripping over your own proverbial feet.

You are naturally oriented to acting wholly with your heart, not taking stock of past wounds before leaping. This can lead you to gloss over things that have been bothering you or try to play things off as being okay. If you’re having a hard time, tell a friend to get some much needed feedback. You really don’t have to keep going going going all the time—even though that is your comfort zone. Try to take some time to be super aware of what is really going on around you so that you have a more authentic baseline of where you are in time and space.

That’s gonna be hard as you approach the Equinox, I know. The feeling you get when you slide into your sign and the weirdness of Pisces slips away is almost more than you can handle. After a month of feeling at loose ends you finally feel ready and steady to go, go, go. With a healthy dose of live and let live and an equally strong dose of go fuck yourself, you have one foot on the gas and could honestly care less where you are going and what anybody thinks about it. You just want to finally feel free.

I get it, really I do. But you have to remember that this is just a blip in the month. As you roll into the last week of March, that fun and familiar energy stalls. Take a second look, you may have over shot your mark. The drive for action was made before the plan was in place and now you need to retrace your steps and see where you missed the left turn to Albequerque.


Please withhold large decision making and focus on how your purpose needs to be re-imagined. Something that was true for you is no longer fitting quite right, and you aren’t fully connected to your native stability. It’s okay. You’ve got this. Use the energy of the watery Pisces to sit and simmer for a week or so so that your decisions feel more authentic to you. If you don’t and try to bull your way forward, you will find that the decisions made during this time will have a sharper edge than usual and will ultimately need to be remade. So take the week to give yourself a bird’s eye view of the situation and settle in for inspiration.

Now would be a great time to feel into making the home more stable, comfortable and authentic to your new values. Things feel testy and out of place. You will struggle with trying to keep order in your household and amongst the members of your family, so try to allow a certain amount of flexibility as things play out. If you have taken the time to be in touch with how your goals have changed, you will find that anything the family throws up at you won’t really have the power to knock you off course. It just becomes noise.

The opportunity here is for you to slow down enough to notice all of this. Sometimes you can be so busy keeping up appearances that you miss the real work that needs to be done. Your home is up for some restructuring or updating and if you don’t attend to the reality you may find that things will shake out beyond your control. Get both hands on the wheel and be honest with yourself. What is it that you want?


You are always known as a talker, that’s just the nature of the sign. But what many people don’t realize about Gemini is that even though you are talking, you are actually listening to unspoken social cues at the same time. Its a rare skill set, and one that is utterly unique to strong Geminis. This month you are going to need to tap into that and be extra adept at hearing what isn’t being said. You are apt to miss cues and end up getting yourself in hot water.

For all of March, you need to get above the situation and take a broader view of your destination. Your mouth is apt to be sharper than normal and your usual easy going charm is subdued. Stay alert for social moments when you are tempted to “tell it like it is”. Before you let it fly, check in to see if your words of the moment and your long term goals are aligned. If they aren’ it. You will be extra inclined to get out into your social community to bring needed changes to light, and that’s good. But you need to make certain that you are paying extra attention to how your words will be taken. Generally, you don’t have to think about this and your natural gift for gab puts you in right alignment. Something is amiss here, and that gift is missing, so every word needs to be measured for impact.

Expect conflicts with your head and your heart as you try to sort how how to go about implementing your creative ideas and bringing others into the fold. When it comes to work and colleagues, you need to focus on being direct and clear. Speak in a linear fashion and don’t be too conversational when you should be professional. Your thoughts aren’t as clear as you think they are and you may find that you cross unintended lines in the workplace. Definitely listen to your head and not your heart here.

And be aware, you cannot tell a lie right now—as much as you may want to. Try to avoid tricky questions that will put you on the spot as your native silver tongue is unusually blunt and brutal. Your opinions and your thoughts will be right up in everyone’s face, so if you have to be somewhere where tack is the name of the game, perhaps it is best to send your regrets. Better to minimally disappoint someone socially than to unload a reckless diatribe that can stunt your progress in the long run.


As much as it makes you uncomfortable to do so, you need to disconnect from the home environment, and take any opportunity to go out and be social while you can early in the month. Your natural inclination to tuck in at home will intensify as the month progresses, so get some time in with a good friend before your sensitivity increases and all you can manage is a warm blanket and a nap. By the end of the month you will probably be running on steam, and over everybody’s bullshit so anything that you are asked to give will feel like a big asks.

Try to keep yourself well fed and well rested so that you are able to manage the influx of emotional energy that will rise up to the surface unexpectedly. Expect to be confronted with deep feelings in everything you do. Just know that if you feel the full gamut of emotions moving quickly through you to that it is all part of the process. Let whatever needs to come up, come up. You are tapping into something powerful that will ultimately help heal you, but for now just makes you feel on edge.

Don’t get defensive when somebody calls your motives into question. You are likely to fight dirtier than usual right now, so just simmer down and don’t let anyone drag you into a fight over it. Nothing is clear for anyone and they are most likely reacting from their own damage. Try to detach and don’t their their chaos make you confused. Stay tuned in to your own emotional field and if you have to revert to form and just stay home.


Plan to spend a week or two hiding out and tending to your lair in order to refresh and renew your energy for what is on deck. Doing so allows you to prepare for the influx of new ideas that show up, but still need time to refine. Your mind will be buzzing and it feels like there is so much potential if only you could get out there and get to it. Don’t rush; give yourself the time to clean out your emotional closet before moving forward.

You will have to be very careful that you don’t hide your true self under the illusion of who you think you should be. This next step of yours needs to be in real alignemt withyour deepest self, not the image that you try to present to the world. That image has expired and it will not serve the new projects that you are trying to lead. You will have a hard time reconciling the knowledge of the heart with you footing on the ground. Nothing feels stable or steady except for your ideas. Stay in the creative space and don’t worry too much just yet.

As the month progresses, you will begin to see the light at the end of the thought tunnel. You are becoming ready to step out and be seen, bringing your ideas out into the world. Let everything develop in its own time, which will allow you the time to fully develop and mature into this evolution. By the time the new moon rolls around you will be cooking with gas. You can feel things coming into alignment and clarity as your dreams, your plans and your reality start to come together. Embrace your role and your fabulous-ness as you finally speak your truth out loud and share the next step.


I know that you like everything to be just so, but you have to be aware right now of giving away too much of yourself in an effort to maintain that image. Your need to create perfection is bumping up hard against your need to feel soft and at ease. This is a good time to put away the calendar or the vision board and settle into your more chaotic inner nature. Get in touch and you might be surprised at what floats to the surface.

If you do that you can see how getting stuck in the details so deeply causes you to lose focus of the actual ideal. That grander vision is about to come up against some hard realities that force you to be honest with yourself, and if you have your nose to the grindstone you are going to miss the turn. Something is out of alignment when it comes to real feelings that you had buried in order to embrace image and perfection and you have to let them out lest your health suffer.

Settle into your softer side and get in touch with what makes you feel good. Pay attention to your body, being certain that you embrace comfort and ease over strict conditioning. Take some time to be out with friends, enjoy a good meal and let down your hair for a bit. It can’t be work all the time. You may have to admit that, at times, your eyes are bigger than your stomach when it comes to your goals. It isn’t quite clear what the problem is, but you can sense that something is not right. You are out of alignment, Virgo, and you need to let go of who you think you are in order to discover who you actually are—right now. Take your time and sleep on it. It is highly possible that the answer will come to you in your dreams.


It is time to focus on the details. Libra so that you can begin to improve an environment that has slowly been wearing you down. Be aware of how you have been trying to push things to the surface, or of trying to convince to force others to get moving on any projects. It is a waste of breath as you are literally stuck between two opposing forces. Stick to your lane, manage only the things you can control and let the rest go. Managing only what you are in direct control of will take a lot of the pressure off of you.

As you move deeper into the month and practice allowing others to be messy and handle their own shit, you are going to be brought into confrontation with your own shit. A lot of that has to do with a significant relationship in your life that has come out of balance. You need some space and time to fly solo with good friends to help you balance out. Once you step away from your efforts, you will start to gain more clarity and old issues in that particular relationship may surface.

The time away gives you space to get into your head and start to examine all the places you put on a nice face and pretended you weren’t hurt. You’re missing the days of lightheartedness and balance when you didn’t have to do that. But once you clear away the cobwebs and get a good look at just how unfair you have been to yourself, your native sense of equality and optimism will be shaken. Hang in there; once the hidden hurts come up to the surface they will be healed and you can get back to feeling more like you. You must do this work so that you can move forward with greater ease and focus.

This is all coming to the fore so that you can address some bigger issues. It is easy to lose yourself when you are so busy keeping a nice face and a harmonious home. But what is it that you really want? What do you want just for you if you didn’t have to think about anybody else or make nice? If you could have your life revolve around you alone what would you change? What would you add? Who would you be? Balance only truly comes when you factor yourself into the equation.


We all know that you can see further than deeper than most, and that ability is at the front of your early month. Someone in your realm is about to make a gaffe that will have big ramifications to their professional and social image. You have to decide if you want to warn them and risk being blown off, or if you would rather pop some corn and watch the show. Just take care that your ego doesn’t have you taking too much glee in their fall; that way lay dragons.

Sure, it can be fun, but is it worth it? The conflict between your karma and dharma can only be resolved when you understand how you are showing up for others. The more stable you become, the more you are able to make your deepest intuitions land in the fertile ground of reality. If you are constantly measuring others, you won’t have the time needed to measure yourself in order to make the best course corrections. Focus on creating a level emotional playing field for yourself and you will be rewarded with forward direction.

Your emotions and intuition are ultra-heightened this month, which can leave you feeling either unsettled or empowered; how you roll with it determines the depth of the impact is has in your environment. You are able to set your goals and your pace to move into a role that has much more meaning for you. It is time to stop excavating, calculating and comparing. Focus on you and you alone so that you can start working.


Try to learn something new about yourself and why you are as you are today. The front you have been showing the world is due for an update and you have a unique opportunity to dream up what you want it to be going forward. But if you don’t dig down and know who you really are and what your gifts are, you won’t be able to focus that image to be of greater service. Take the time. You are coming out of the fog and ready to get out front if it again. Share what you have learned, trusting that any opposition is mostly illusion.

And if you’re feeling crowded by all the ideas in your head, try to lean into the practicalities of how you got where you are. Taking the time to review the steps you have already taken will help you to make room for the next step to show up; It is actually quite linear. The confusion you are feeling is rooted in your love of variety and in your natural curiosity. Sometimes you just try to take too much in all at once. Again, break it all down into measurable bites and these options that are showing up for you will stop feeling like a pile on of chaos and start to reveal themselves for what they really are.

Don’t panic. Step back, take your time and watch it all start to come together. Things will consolidate on their own and you will have a greater clarity. But until this happens, you must be cautious. Keep everything to yourself. Don’t seek outside counsel. You don’t have an ability to clearly communicate your needs around these feelings, which leaves you at a loss, trying to explain things you simply can’t. So don’t try. Best to just let things simmer on their own without any interference.


Double check your goals against your lists to be certain you haven’t drifted. The Pisces energy is hard for you as it create sudden starts and stops and asks you to constantly manage a changing landscape. Being goal oriented by nature, you are inclined to push ahead regardless of any difficulties. However, right now you should resist the urge to push and try instead to glide.

You must come to know whether your goals are liberating you to grow or keeping you locked into stifling ways. You may have pushed so hard to get to a place that is now too small for you. Check in and be certain that you have calculated a sense of personal freedom into your equations. Achieving your goals should have a sense of ease, rightness and purpose.

You will be given a test earlier in the month to make sure that what you think you want is actually what you want. If you allow this, and don’t instinctively resist the push-back, you will find that something you had been working on is not quite in alignment with your greater goals. Know that it is okay to change course no matter how far along the plans are. Taking this extra moment to check in and adjust as needed will help you to gain a greater clarity regarding where you want to be and how you want to feel inside your life. Purpose is rising to the surface and you are able to reconcile your feelings with your actions.

Once you manage to reset and re-calibrate your goals, you can feel it all coming on line and clicking into place. You are in alignment, you have your plans and are absolutely ready to roll. Keep an eye on your six as there is still something that you haven’t seen. It should show up in April, so be ready.


It is time for you to get organized and speak your truth wherever you have been playing it small. You have a greater organizational sense than usual with your thoughts and discipline aligned, so utilize this unique synchronization to make all the changes you need in your safety net. The old social paradigm is up for rewriting in your life, so right now is the time to create new paths and fearlessly release the old.

Don’t be afraid to get out there and get your groove on. Meet with like minded souls to dream it, think it, and make it happen while you can. As the month progresses, you will find that the energy of this will wane. So while the energy is high, get to work. Lay out those plans and goals. But once you feel it start to drag, stop. Just all stop and don’t worry about the seeming stall. It isn’t that, or that you have stepped too far. When the energy slows for you, it will reveal where you have people in your life who are invested in you remaining ever static. Don’t push lest you make things worse and they trench in. Just observe who shows up and take all the information as neutral.

You’re trying to do something that is asking you—and everyone around you-- to access new ways of thinking. On the surface it seems as if your direction would be the best for everybody. But you are missing a level of compassion that needs to be understood before you can move forward. Have you thought of everything? Have you taken into account how your decisions will impact those closest to you and how they might feel unsettled by your changes?

This type of thinking isn’t easy for you. You vision higher and broader than many in your life are capable of doing. But that can leave you confused about what you are feeling here as it seems like your community has all banded together and left you on the outside. That isn’t necessarily what is going on. You just may be so far ahead of the curve that you can’t access the position of those you have counted on for so long. Just remember that sometimes you need to be thrust out of a comfortable nest to learn how to fly. Some of that discomfort is actually bringing you to a place where you can connect in a much healthier way.


Forget who you think you are or who you want others to see. You have the ability now to broaden your horizons and exert your power; it is far greater than you realize. If you allow the old to dissolve and embrace the unknown in the way only you know how, you will be able to dream up new opportunities that are much more in alignment with your true core nature. Get in touch with your authenticity and you will find precisely what you have been looking for.

For the entirety of this month your sign in activated, which allows you to work inside very comfortable energy. Find that groove. Present yourself as you are with no excuses and no apologies. Relish your uniqueness as it will be the one quality that helps you move forward with the greatest ease. It is that link between your emotions and your intuition that gives you access to your manifestation. Be aware that as you think, you feel and as you feel, you create. Use this power wisely for there is much beneath your surface and it is all available now for use.

More than any other sign, you must be careful that you don’t turn emotional into commotional. As the pace picks up and things start to move—in the precise direction that you have been working towards-- you may become overwhelmed with all the tasks that need to be done in order for you to achieve your dreams. At that point, stop. Sit. Meditate. Relax. Remember, you are powerful and when you are chaotic, you are powerful in chaos. Take one step at a time and don’t get lost in the big picture or swallowed in the details. Just do the one next thing and trust that you are inside the flow. It is the only way you really work, so embrace it!