July Forecast 2022

Jul 01 — Mars in Aries square Pluto in Capricorn

Mars opposition Hygiea

Pluto opposition Moon in Leo; Ceres in Cancer

Structure meets destruction and bad decisions as Mars rides roughshod over any hint of restraint. Pluto in Capricorn has been slowly breaking down things that are outmoded and it has beentaking its own sweet time with it. Mars here, however is feeling a little more like fuck you fuck it fuck everything as it forces through the slow grind of Pluto. This can get kind of ugly.

Be careful of your health during these next few days and make sure to take the down time when you need it. Also be careful of the roaring lion in your heart that is probably feeling a sense of ego-fueled outrage at the glacial pace of change. Just remember, Rome didn’t fall in a day, and the Dark Mother will always win.


Jul 02 — Mercury in Gemini trine Saturn Rx in Aquarius

Mercury in Gemini square Neptune Rx in Pisces

Things get clearer for you when you apply the coolness of logic to the problem. So when these emotions are running hot, remember that there is a lot of mental discipline available to you and that cooler heads usually prevail. Let go of any illusions you may have about the situation and put your mind alone to the task.

Be like Spock.

Jul 06 — Mars enters Taurus

Mercury enters Cancer

Pallas enters Gemini

Moon in Libra opposition Jupiter in Aries

Ok, some of the fierceness of last week dies off here as Mars enters Taurus. So that impetus to push push push shifts into a core deep stubbornness. Think of trading half crazed speed for a slow relentless drive. This allows you to get a better view of the long game. It will also give you the commitment to move forward and execute those plans. This is absolutely be enhanced by Pallas entering Gemini. The wisdom of Athena is enhanced by the intellect and curiosity of Gemini, which should help you to find the correct focus and to keep your eyes on the prize.

Additionally, your communication and your thinking deepens as Mercury moves into Cancer. You will feel more quiet and more centered as you ponder what is truly important to you and align your actions to these values. You will have to be careful that you don’t get so high minded that you lose sight of the real, earth centered actions that you can take at this time. Right now, yes, get that bird’s eye view. Map it out. But try to stay realistic.

Jul 09/10 — Mercury in Cancer square Jupiter in Aries

Vesta RX in Pisces trine Moon in Scorpio

Cascading Grand Water Trines Juno/Sedna/Neptune Rx in Pisces; Mercury/Moon/Ceres in Cancer; Hygiea/South Node/Moon in Scorpio

Fuck an A, y’all. Buckle up and plan some ceremony or ritual.

The water energy is strong and the feminine is triggered. Be prepared to work with it and to swim through all of the aspects of feminine divine as we are being asked to get in touch with everything that needs to be felt and processed. That deep High Priestess Independence dives down and retreats inward as it seeks deeper wisdom of the heart. Expect very intense emotions and a swell of power. All of your clairs will be in full throat. Pay attention. There is something that you need to bring up from the deep to be shared and shown.

The illusion of safety becomes very sheer and the supposed “security” of the Divine Wife is revealed to be a betrayal of the deepest order. Lots of lies from the patriarchy are revealed and the allure of its offerings become stale. The Feminine tastes the betrayal inherent in the promises that were made and tastes the trades that were made in order to achieve that illusion of safety. It will be ugly and the emotions will be high and volatile.

Expect issues around women’s health care, forced habits, gendered routine and child care to be screamed into the light as the Dark Feminine releases centuries of rage and sorrow.

The Moon moves away from this on the 11th, but the trines between the asteroids, Mercury and Neptune remain until roughly the 19th, so this energy is here to be worked with and used. What that means to you is up to you, but don’t get caught in the storm without knowing that this is what is going on. There is an opportunity here and if we use it to steer the change we want instead of letting this create chaos, I think we might be able to create serious impact.

Be. Aware.

Jul 12 — Venus in Gemini opposition Moon in Sagittarius

So after all of this intensity, the moon shifts away into a sign that moves quickly and likes big ideas. So you feel like you have lanced the boil and now you should do something about it! Just know that this push is being tempered by the planet that represents Femininity itself, Venus. This particular Venus needs a fucking break and is feeling more like changing her hairstyle and going out for a drink than fighting for social justice. I think that with all that big energy cycling around, that maybe we take the advice of this glorious planet and take a breath. Don’t force things. One, because something this big cannot be forced. Two, because sometimes in that light, resting space we actually find the answers we need.

Don’t let this conflict create conflict. Be easy.

Jul 13 — Full moon in Capricorn

trine North Node in Taurus; square Jupiter/ Chiron in Aries; opposition Sun/Mercury in Cancer

This full moon is very serious, and asks us to look into ways that we have allowed our security to drive our vision. There is a touch of ego that needs to be confronted and a false identity that needs to be destroyed. Being tough does not make you indestructible. Being secure does not make you safe. Your true power lie in the network of family that you dwell within, whether that family is blood based, choice based, or both. This moon asks you to let go of old, patriarchal beliefs that have you seeking approval of the masculine system in order to feel valuable. Your achievements do not make you worthy. Rather, during this moon, try to come to the place where you can see that it is the love of your tribe and the love you have for your tribe that nourishes all of humanity. Safety comes from love—not value. The sooner we collectively come to that understanding, the sooner we can begin the healing journey that lives in the heart of the Divine Mother.

Jul 16 — Uranus in Taurus conjunct North Node Rx in Taurus Opposition South Node Rx in Scorpio

Grand Water Trines with South Node in Scorpio Sedna stationed/Juno in Pisces; Neptune Rx in Pisces

The Water Trines tighten up and line up giving everything a feeling of being distilled. The collective clarity of women as the feminine rises becomes incredibly pure and potent here. The karmic patterns of our cultural feminine ancestry are rising, condensing, clarifying. We will not be deluded any longer, nor will we be silent. Expect focused rage—tight like a laser beam. Expect the foundations to rumble and shake as we pound the earth with our fists and our feet. This day we bring out the drums and begin the process of birth.

It will feel like destruction to those that are invested in the masculine hierarchy. They will resist, and it is in that resistance that the pain is felt. This will not be easy, but birth never is. My advice is to tap into what aspect of the Divine Feminine speaks to you and focus your being into that expression. In this way we are able to hear the betrayal, feel the pain, process the events and move into the next phase which is to offer our expression of the Goddess to the Earth.

If we do this, the destructive piece doesn’t have to be chaos unending for the new ground will already be laid.

Jul 18 — Venus enters Cancer trine Vesta in Pisces/ Hygiea in Scorpio

When Venus moves into Cancer, she joins the watery flow that much of this month has brought.

It is easy to think of the asteroids as being secondary to the planets, but that simply is not true. The asteroids are the goddess energy—erratic, yes, but also wild and deep. The asteroids roll through the predictable movements of the god-named planets and shake up the very ordered masculine energy that these planets bring. With the asteroids triggering so much goddess energy, it is worth noting when the “conventional” goddess joins that charge.

This Goddess of Love forms a trine with the Goddess of Independence and also the Goddess of Health. Cancer is the sign that is related to Mother energy, so we have a very important alignment happening. We must begin to see how all of these “separate” Goddesses are actually an expression of the one and that we must treat women holistically instead of trying to divide them into the roles of Lover, Mother and Caregiver. This is a rallying cry for the Matriarchy to come back into power so that women can be seen as full individuals worthy in their own right—without any titles or roles.

There is a lot of buried emotions that are going to find voice here. You may feel the full gamut of them all at once and it may not make a lot of sense. Go ahead and feel them when they rise and then let them flow through you and away. This is a cleansing time, but we cannot get attached to the dirt or to the process. Feel what you feel, process it and trust that this is what we must do in order to clear the Feminine and bring it up to ascendancy.

Jul 20 — Mercury enters Leo

Chiron stations in Aries

The communicator moves into bold and expressive Leo just as the wounded healer takes a breath in Aries. We will not be content to suck up the pain and move on wounded without communicating our needs. This Mercury indicates that we absolutely need to stop hiding how we are feeling, stop ignoring the wounds that we are given, and absolutely STOP pretending that we are okay when we need to be shouting our truth at the top of our lungs. Leo Mercury helps us to do this at the same time that we are using that expression to show others the way.

Be honest about where you are. Showing your path—your work—through the healing and through your emotions will help others express their own truths. Additionally, with this Mercury standing in opposition to Pluto Rx in Capricorn, we can see that the course of this leadership needs to be oriented around how we stand up to that heavy masculinized structure.

Say it loud and say it proud, y’all. Speak up!

Jul 23— The sun enters Leo

Take a minute today to take a big breath in. Stop whatever you are doing. Put down whatever you are feeling. Go outside and sit in the sun for a minute. Feel the power of a sun in its ruling sign of Leo and try to drink that in. Just for a little while.

And remember, Leo is the sign of the Lion. So any battles that you must face, and challenges that you face, any obstacles you must beat are all going to face the steady honour of the Lion. Remember that. Remember it well and embody that responsibly.

Jul 25 — Mercury in Leo trine Jupiter in Aries

Juno stations in Pisces

Venus in Cancer square Jupiter in Aries

We will start to see the conflict between the need for movement and the rhetoric of change with reality. There is a depth that needs to be examined and something very emotional needs to be unearthed. So as much as we want to get on with things and expand into a new time, we have to get through this depth first. So for the moment, let yourself talk a good game and send your mind forward into the possibilities. Map it out. Talk it out. Things are not fair right now and they will not become fair for a little while yet. This is still the time of thinking, planning and excavating. It is not yet tome for the actions that you may crave.

Does that suck? Maybe. Or maybe we are working with divine timing. Juno is stationing to go retrograde, so this asteroid that puts up with a lot of shit in the name of peace and compromise is halting. She is going inward to continue that work of discovering where we are complicit in our own subjugation. What have we put up with? Where have we told ourselves little lies to keep the status quo? Until these things are dealt with, we cannot even begin to discuss what is fair.

Not yet, not yet, not yet. But soon.

Jul 26 — Mercury in Leo square Mars in Taurus/ Uranus in Taurus

And not, not today either. But wow are you going to want to blow shit up and I’m going to suggest that until you have a clearer head that you resist. Try to calm down. Try to put everything into perspective. These aspects create paranoia and a strong clash of energy between Lion energy and Bull energy. Which would win? Or would they both simply fight until both are beaten and bloody with no clear victor? You may feel like everyone is against you, or that any creating you wish to do is being hampered by sour personalities. You have to just take a minute and come to realize that this day is just not the day.

Avoid starting new projects or getting into negotiations. This is a really destructive aspect that will make you feel like burning bridges because fuck those assholes. You’re going to need that bridge later, man. Don’t do it.

Jul 29— New moon in Leo trine Jupiter stationed in Aries

July has been a bumpy ride, hasn’t it? These are intense times and even as we all know that we want the changes that are coming, it doesn’t feel good. But that’s just part of the deal; change is uncomfortable.

Having Jupiter in Aries has been welcome, but it does tend to dole out the lessons in a bruising fashion. Jupiter teaches. Aries blazes. So ever since this planet shifted out of soft Pisces, we have been hell bent for leather in all areas that force us to grow and expand. We are going to get a bit of a break here from that with the stationing of Jupiter to go retrograde. Over the next month, when it comes to all things Jupiter, the external focus will soften and shift inward. This forces us collectively to become more mature and disciplined as we grow into the changes that we want to see.

New Moons allow us to set forward directed intentions that can ripen and mature as the lunar cycle waxes. In Leo, there is a sense of lightness, but also one of responsibility. (Healthy) Leos are leaders who take on immense personal responsibility and are driven to shine. They are creative thinkers and problem solvers. So when we take these two aspects together, it stands out as a time for us to do some broad inner work before laying out some creative solutions to our personal growth.

Even if you don’t have Leo placements in your personal chart, you can use the energy of Leo to act as if. Dream big and live bold. Be an an example. Set forth those intentions this Leo New Moon that will allow you to ripen into the best version of yourself.