February Astrology
Feb 1—Mercury/Hygiea/Pluto conjunct in Capricorn opposition Pallas Rx in Cancer
This longstanding opposition between forward directed thinking that wants to destroy the conventional and a highly logical force canted towards the nostalgic past comes to a head today before dissolving tomorrow. Be prepared for the last gasp of ‘I remember when’ or ‘back in my day’ to close in and feel particularly challenging. Remember that change is the only constant (other than death) that is an absolute guarantee. The way it used to be will always be just that—the way it used to be.
So take a good long look at what you are nostalgic for and try to uncover the feelings of safety and security that the remembrance brings. That is what you are looking for, not the actuality of the situation. If you sort that out, and get very clear about it, you will find that when the changes come—as they absolutely will—you are more agile and able to pivot.
Feb 3 — Ceres stations in Libra opposition Jupiter/Juno/Chiron in Aries
Moon in Cancer opposition Mercury/ Hygiea in Capricorn
Just as you start to get a handle on the conflict between your need for change and your need for security, the Moon shows up to add in an extra layer of emotionality to the whole shebang. This will make you uncomfortable and irritable, so mind your mouth and your tone with those you count closest. Additionally, Ceres—the asteroid of nurturing—goes retrograde in the sign if balance and relationship. It stands off against pieces of you that want to move on from all of this already, which makes the disconnect in you very real. Expect to feel disharmonious in your relationships as the concepts of we and me and what we sacrifice for the we come up for review.
Won’t be pretty, y’all. The power struggle is real. But this is the beginning of the reset.
Feb 4 — Venus in Pisces square Mars in Gemini
But wait, there’s more. This soft Venus and this dippy Mars set up to argue for roughly the next week or so. This Mars rarely thinks things through and that doesn’t sit well wit ha Venus that takes things extremely personally. This can manifest as petty fights, dominating vibes and running away from important conversations. Try to keep your wits about you and your tongue to yourself as these situations arise and then fade away.
Nothing is long lasting unless you hang on to it.
Feb 5 — Full Moon in Leo
Ceres Rx opposition Sedna in Pisces
This Leo full moon shows up as a pressure valve amidst the last push to clear lingering bad feelings or situations you had swept under the rug. The bright light of Leo shines full upon everything you wished to hide, absolutely outing those secrets to be dealt with. So all of the pressure of the last few days will come out. Remember that Leo is big, and it isn’t great at keeping its mouth shut. So beware of drama, of tea spilling or of blowing up in a glorious fit of frustration.
As this is happening, the chunky Ceres opposition takes on a new member and invite Sedna into the party. Sedna deals with issues of betrayal—deep betrayals that change how we live our lives. This is prime time, kids. This is where we stand up and roar that we don’t have to take it, we won’t take it and fuck you and you and you and you. This is hard energy, but extremely clearing energy. You can get a lot of housekeeping done in a very short period of time if you sit down to ride that wave, getting just enough ahead of it to set the course.
Or you can roll under it and come up frothing on the other side. Your call.
Feb 8 — Vesta enters Aries opposition Ceres
Vesta is the asteroid of absolute devotion and fierce independence. When it enters Aries, we can find ourselves absolutely devoted to the idea of our own independence. There will be a strong drive to walk into the future boldly, regardless of the consequences or the bloody battles we will leave behind.
This Vesta joins that big party in opposition to Ceres, so those concepts of relationship, relating, caring and sacrifice are going to be really dominant. This piece, working with the past moon, are demanding that you bring yourself and your personal needs/goals into balance with the people you relate with. Lovers, family, friends—all of them need to be brought into harmony. This Vesta will help that, but only by throwing a huge weight into the me, me, me category.
Use it. But also know what is happening and don’t throw the baby out with the bathwater. Unless, you know, the baby is really a 40 year old man/girl/non-binary emotional child who contributes nothing to the relationship and you sacrifice everything in the name of caring. Yeah, that baby can be tossed and this is the energy to make it happen.
Feb 11—Sedna/Jupiter/ Chiron square Pallas Rx in Cancer
Some of the pressure eases off today as the harsh opposition to Ceres splits and these three take a breath. The tension shifts to the Pallas in Cancer we were dealing with earlier in the month, reminding us that those issues around tradition and family are still there to look at. This is the final death knell for those ancestral chains, so we need to take the time to re-balance our own thoughts around it. You’re almost clear, I promise. Just one last look.
Feb 12 — Mercury enters Aquarius
The conflict eases as our own minds start to center less around what was and more into what could be. Aquarius is a visionary, making it so much easier for you to chart your course towards the life you want to live for yourself free of any ancestral traditional thinking that may have once chained you up. Don’t be afraid to dream big and change your mind or do something so new and out there that those old relationships raise their eyebrows at you.
Nothing is out of bounds if you put your mind to it.
Feb 13—Moon in Scorpio trine Venus/ Neptune in Pisces
Sentimentality meets sexuality on the eve of Valentine’s Day. The day itself is a secular event that has little bearing on the actual feelings of love, but this evening before hand has a lot of potential. As the representative of our emotions, the Moon takes up residence in the House of Sexuality and Transformations. So that can be fun if you let your sexy/kinky side out to play. It is working in trine with the planet of love and also the planet of illusions, so there is the potential for some real magic.
There is also the potential for mixed signals. So if you’re only out for kinky time you will have to be super upfront about your intentions. Sex and love can get really mixed up under this aspect, so be aware. But if love is already in the cards, this night can spice things up and bring a whole new level to the romance.
Feb 15—Moon in Sagittarius trine Vesta/Jupiter/Chiron in Aries
This trine opens your eyes to some very important patterns. You will see where you need to grow emotionally to get yourself healed up and ready to accept the changes that are on deck for your life. With this revelation comes a sense of expansion, readiness and curiosity. Use your heart and body and a reality check against your mind and any lingering resentments. You are looking for a full body yes or a full body no when it comes to moving on. Your eyes may be bigger than your current reality, and your desire to move on will be very strong. We are almost at the point of being clear and in full motion, so the understanding of what a real yes feels like is critical to your next evolution.
Check in and really listen.
Feb 18 — Pallas fully direct in Cancer
After a few shaky months, we’re finally feeling our authentic roots when Pallas settles direct in Cancer. It’s been a rough ride of looking through the ancestral closet with all kinds of aspects showing up to take their turn on stage. Today, now, everything simplifies. Let go of the struggle and breathe in.
Feb 19 — Sun enters Pisces
Moon/Mercury in Aquarius trine Mars in Gemini
Moon/Mercury in Aquarius trine Ceres Rx in Libra
Ceres has been a real force this month, and she shows no signs of slowing down. This need to rebalance our own self-care with the relationships we maintain is getting a strong dose of clarity and vision from both a Moon and a Mercury in Aquarius. These placements are just detached enough to step away from any drama or urge to run, instead preferring to think of unique ways of solving problems. The fact that they are also in trine with an agile and mentally oriented Mars means that you are ready to take action and make these changes that have been gnawing at you all month.
Luckily, the Sun moves in Pisces today as well, which layers in deep compassion to the situation. You won’t want to slash and burn, but rather find ways that truly care for everyone involved. Kindness abounds. So does creativity. I have faith that the choices you make will be the best for everyone.
Feb (19) 20 — New moon in Pisces (2:07am EST) conjunct Sun in Pisces trine South Node Rx in Scorpio
If you really want to clean out the closet. If you really want to clear up all of the issues you have discovered this month. If you really—and I mean really—want to dive down into the magic of your connectivity and trace the patterns of past (way past), present, and potential futures, this is the night to do it.
Not only is this a Super Moon, it is one that is capable of dissolving the boundaries between the manifest real and the quantum real. You will have greater access to the spirit realms, the realms of the dead, the pool of possibility and the feeling of singularity. Tonight is a night of deep magic and if you know how, it is a potent time to see. I’m not at all promising a garden of magical roses, but if you vision quest or astral travel, there are things To Be Seen. Do your work, be prepared, set your markers and your anchors, and head out to look at the truth of your lives and the paths you had chosen. You can course correct here, or lay out new bricks of the new you that you see in the ether.
It is big work and if you don’t know how, then don’t. Do journaling, intention setting, manifestation or clearing work in the fashion that you understand. But if you are a witch of learning and skill...I highly suggest heading out and getting something done. The veil is thin.
Feb 22-28 –Sun in Pisces trine South Node Rx in Scorpio trine Pallas in Cancer
This water trine shows up to carry you through the rest of the month, setting up a sweet balance point so some of the more intense energy coming down the pipeline. This trine reminds you that the things you need to transform can be done with both kindness and respect—even as you break down the walls that kept darkness hidden. You can bring light to the corners and integrate it without tearing everything down, or using rage as your fuel. There is a lot of urgency that will show up in the last few days of February and a lot of power. But set compassion and respect as your foundation and you will be able to get everything done that you need and come out on the other side feeling good about yourself and with clean hands.
Feb 24 — Venus/Sedna/Vesta/Jupiter/Chiron/Juno/Moon in Aries
Mmmkay. So you the rubber hits the road here in a big mutherfucking way. Remember what I said about that water trine that is humming in the background. You will need it for the next couple of days.
You are prone to feel like you are on fire, and you are also prone to setting things on fire. Can you stop it? Probably not. Will you want to? Probably not. Will it feel fucking awesome? Probably. The sense of having yourself and your life fully in hand can be intoxicating, so you have to just know that you are punch drunk with power. Everybody is. EVERYBODY is probably a selfish asshole right now (in a good way?) so you should just know that.
Avoid conflict if you can and try to use your power for good. If you can. And if you have to light something up, make sure that it is something that you really, truly never ever ever want to see again.
Feb 26-- Moon in Taurus trine Pluto in Capricorn
That urgency dims and shifts into calculated thought. This aspect slows that roll and makes it more deliberate and focused on an earthly goal that you can live with for the long term. Resist the fire and any resentment and you have a lot of tools at your disposal to get that new you you visioned with the moon precisely where you want to go.