August Astrology
Aug 1 — Full moon in Aquarius
Moon in Aquarius conjunct Pluto Rx in Capricorn
Moon in Aquarius opposition Sun in Leo
Mars in Virgo trine Jupiter in Taurus
Mercury/Pallas in Virgo opposition Saturn in Pisces
We have a blue moon at the end of the month, meaning that there are two full moons in the month. This first on in Aquarius kicks off a month that is full of energy, vigor and a drive to take a big look at what has been going on in your life up to this point. Lots of things within and without have changed and we are all just now beginning to be able to see what can be done with that. So with this full moon, you have the chance to get pretty clear about what has passed, what has survived intact, what is radically different, and what is still lingering.
Aquarius is a visionary, and the full moon shines light on those visions. So use that energy to lay down a ritual that dreams big. We are blessed to have the power of a Virgo Mars working with a Taurus Jupiter during this lunar transit. They both have a knack for not only seeing the dream, but being able to recognize action-oriented, purposeful steps towards its achievement. This is a great moon to dream it out and then lay it out.
The danger points lie in the places that you lie to yourself, or try to make yourself bigger than you are. Conversely, there is a danger point in limiting yourself to the past versions of you that survived. You have to understand that you have grown, that you does not need to hold you back. You also have to understand that you are still growing, so the end vision of you is not yet complete. You cannot operate from either place, but must instead thread the needle between these visions of you to manifest from the present moment and the present vision.
Dream big. But also dream real.
Aug 1-23rd Hygiea Rx in Aquarius/ Ceres in Libra/ Sedna in Gemini Grand Air Trine
For most of the month this grand air trine hums quietly along in the background, bringing you the energy of three functional goddesses in three air signs. Hygiea dictates how you manage your holistic health. Ceres shows how you care and nurture for yourself and others. Sedna shows how you turn wounds into power. There is a truly strong vibration here that is showing you how all of these aspects of self can work together to flow you forward.
Know that you need to keep an eye to your mental health, taking time to be with friends and groups that support your health management. If that is group therapy, yes. Group fitness, yes. Group knitting, yes. Anything that stimulates and feeds the heart/body/mind matrix with other like minded individuals is good for you right now. Taking this time with special others allows you to recalibrate where you give too much or not enough to your family.
You must fill your own cup before you care for others; Ceres in Libra is not great at that, which is why that balancing aspect of Hygiea can be so powerful. When you round that out, you can honestly see—without emotion or hurt—where you feel betrayed or wounded by those you have loved and where you played a part in that. Owning your piece, however small that piece may have been, can allow you to re-balance the scales, take back the power that was either given away or stolen and then transition that energy into something life sustaining.
Aug 1-30 Hygiea Rx in Aquarius opposition Venus Rx in Leo
At the same time that Hygiea is supporting Ceres and Sedna, she is challenging Venus. A Venus retrograde is challenging enough, forcing us all to take a deep look inward to come to terms with some long-held, unhealthy personal views around our concepts of love, beauty and home. Toss in this highly mental aspect of the Goddess of Health & Healing and you have a really potent kick in the ass.
So be prepared this month to get hit with aha moments that shine light in the dark corners. You will have to learn new ways of seeing yourself, sharing yourself and healing yourself. Don’t do it alone. Trusted allies can help you stay the course and call bullshit when you try to hide from your dawning truths. Once Venus goes direct you should be able to move forward changed, hopefully with a new self-image.
August 1-27 Mars/Pallas/Mercury in Virgo square Sedna/Vesta in Gemini
All month is it get up and go time. Sure, some times will be far messier than you might like. But this fat Virgo alignment that ties up the two mental planets and the planet of action in the sign of ‘get ‘er done’ is a fucking gift y’all. Use it.
Where it gets slightly annoying is in the square to two planets that won’t be told what to do. So there is a part of you that wants to be left alone to do whatever it is that takes your intellectual fancy (thanks, Gemini). That part will rub up against these other parts of you that want to make a plan, set the course and work it step by step. Virgo is a taskmaster, and you won’t want to be tasked. Even as you love being tasked.
Find the middle way and you should easily be able to get it all done and take side quests as well.
Aug 6 — Sun in Leo square Jupiter in Taurus
Sun in Leo trine Moon/Chiron Rx/ North Node Rx in Aries
You know who you are. You know what you need. You know what you want. And woe be to anybody who tries to get in your way.
This is rocket ship energy that has you taking a huge leap forward. Whether that leap is well though out depends entirely on how well you have been paying attention to your Mars/mercury/Pallas situation. Try not to operate out of ego, but rather out of purpose, and you will find that the petty conflicts that come up won’t derail you.
Do be careful to watch your spending the next few days. You may absolutely deserve it, but that doesn’t mean its a good idea. Shut that shopping tab down and walk away for the day. If you dream about it, you can buy it. But odds are that your eyes are bigger than your stomach...or wallet.
Aug 9-18 — Venus Rx in Leo square Uranus in Taurus
This is the type of day where you get your heel caught in your own pants, trip on your face and scratch up your chin. It is also the day you decide that you need a new hair colour and the dye randomly reacts with the shampoo and brasses out and you end up with the 8- year old lady dye job. This is beauty and disaster butting heads for almost a full week. So maybe don’t make any major decisions that alter your appearance, your home, or your budget. The results may not be pretty.
Aug 11—Mercury in Virgo opposition Neptune Rx in Pisces
Don’t trust everything that comes to mind today. It won’t be super clear, even though you may think it is plenty clear. There are echoes of past decisions, positions and thoughts that linger with a Pisces Neptune, especially on in retrograde. And even though you have the clarity of a Virgo Mercury on your side, the clash between the two makes it so that you can’t clearly distinguish between present clarity and past clarity.
You may be operation out of an old system. Wait for the update.
Aug 13 — Sun in Leo conjunct Venus Rx in Leo
Opposition Hygiea Rx in Aquarius
Ok. So. All the aspects that Venus and the Sun have had up to now are actually still humming. Feel free to revisit.
Where that makes this rougher than normal is that there are so many undercurrents. So. Many. So, so many. You probably won’t know your ass from a hole in the ground and when it comes to your self image, you will literally be in a fun house of mirrors. That can mean an inflated self image. It can mean a twisted one. It can be healing. It can be hellish. Nobody knows until it is up in your face and you have to dig into how your image has shaped your self, and how you have used that image to feed your ego. Positive or negative.
This is that call to see how you have seen yourself and how you have used that image of self to get through the world. How has it shaped your long term mental health? Are you willing to make necessary changes to level this all out so that your self-image is aligned with your current reality and your current needs? This aspect can feel rough, but it has real potential to be life changing.
You have a window into seeing how to love present you for the real you.
Aug 15 — Sun in Leo square Uranus in Taurus
Uranus in Taurus trine Mars/Mercury/Pallas in Virgo
Maybe you don’t want to burn the bridge today. Maybe you want to sit at the end of that bridge crossing and take a moment to meditate and think about all the possibilities that burning this bridge can bring. Work that binomial tree, y’all.
Because you are going to want to light it up and dance in the flames like an avenging spirit. Fuck those fucking fucks! And you will be super able to convince yourself that its a great idea. What you won’t be able to see is the long term damage to yourself that lighting it up will cause. You could damage your reputation in unexpected ways. You could damage a secondary relationship. You could burn your own pride. There are a lot of ways in which Uranus brings the unexpected, and when it bumps up against a sign as strong as Leo, there is great potential for fireworks.
Take a breath and use your head. The big one.
Aug 16 — Juno enters Leo
New moon in Leo
Look to the fun. Look to the ways that you can get out there and enjoy all the people you love. Go to dinner. Dance. Shop. Take in a show, or a concert or karaoke. This is high Leo season, and the asteroid of love and commitment and partnership just went into the out and about fun pool. This means that you will want to be out there, enjoying the last days of summer and freedom and ….fun.
Not only that, but the moon falls new in this same sign. This is a moon of the inner child, the inner lover, the inner artist. This asks you to find where in your life you want more creativity, more entertainment, and more passion. Shake off whatever dust has been in your soul and access the inner part of you that is asking to be let free to do all the things and try all the tastes and dance all the dances and be unashamedly you in all your passionate glory.
Let your ritual be the expression of joy with no filters or structures. If any moon ever called for an old fashioned bacchanalia, its this one.
Aug 19—Moon in Virgo trine Pluto Rx in Capricorn
It will be pretty clear to you today what hasn’t been working, and you will feel very, very comfortable letting that go. There isn’t a lot of emotionality around it, which can be good if what hasn’t been working has to do with work, location, etc. It will be very easy for you to walk away and make necessary changes for your personal evolution.
Where you will have to be careful is when what needs to change shows up as a relationship. We are still under Venus retrograde, so even though you may feel very, very clear, you may want to wait a bit just to make sure. This ruthless combination of cold focus and willingness to change may not be giving you all the information when it comes to love.
Aug 23 — Sun enters Virgo
Mercury goes retrograde in Virgo
This will feel like running head first, full tilt into a wall of dense fog. Usually Virgo sun brings a tight clarity that shakes off the glitter of the Leo party, making us all feel like it is time to get back to business. That will happen—just probably not today and probably not in full force. This is because only a few hours after the Sun goes Virgo, Mercury stations to retrograde in the same sign.
This is the ruling sign of Mercury, making this retrograde a bit more anxiety-prone than others. There is a sense that everything should be moving along and yet it just isn’t there. This can lead to over-thinking, over-analyzing, and low grade worry about things you normally wouldn’t worry about.
Stay grounded. Take things slow. Keep an eye to all aspects of yourself so t hat your focus is on tangible things you can control. This too shall pass.
Aug 28 — Mars enters Libra
Uranus goes retrograde in Taurus
Mars moving into Libra changes the scale of almost everything. Lots of trines that have been humming in the background crystallize into a beautiful mandala of focus and possibility. You will see what needs to be done and then let things take their natural course instead of trying to push everything forward on a tight agenda. You will be more inclined to compromise, seek help, create allies and let the chips fall where they may. There is great collaboration to be had when you let go of control and allow others to be part of the process. If you believe this and allow it you will have great success. If you resent it, then you will find passive aggressiveness around every corner and a world full of those you instinctively do not want to trust. The choice is yours; Libra can go both ways.
Furthermore, this transition happens the same day that Uranus stations to retrograde in Taurus. This is a powerful Uranian push (again) to abandon toxic people, places, and cycles that no longer work for you. This is you really needing to be free of all the things that have tried to rope you into a sick system. You won’t have much tolerance for much longer.
So there can be a nasty push pull between this Mars and Uranus, or there can be a beautiful symmetry. You have to figure out how for yourself, and that will probably take some work.
Aug 30 — Full moon in Pisces
This is the second full moon of the month and one that should be celebrated. It lights up a trine between Ceres/ South Node in Libra and Sedna/Vesta in Gemini, asking you to dive into the depths of your soul and dig out what lights you up and what keeps you down. What are your sacred cows—things you will never abandon? What are your karmic habits—things you should abandon and yet never do? This moon shines light on these places through the illumination of the soul.
This isn’t just base human shit you are looking at. It is soul-Soul, karma-dharma, mommy-daddy lineage clearing shit. This is a blast away from the small and into the divine. This is you finding the biggest piece of you and experiencing it in its duality, and loving both pieces in their fullness.
At its core Pisces is about merging into the singularity. In order to do that we have to let go of the human things that we hold onto. That doesn’t mean that we give up our humanity, or try to escape the confines of humanity, but rather that we let go of the limitations of humanity and understand that human and divine are one thing. This moon is big and deep and one that shows you how human you are.
If you let it, it can also show you how divine that human is.