As you travel through the major arcana, you will begin to notice the dominating theme of duality. It first presents itself as one card holding one half, then another card presenting the other half, then eventually as two halves in one card. Divine Feminine/ Divine Masculine = The Lovers/ The Chariot. Strength/ The Hermit = The Wheel (Out/ In = Round and round….) Slowly but surely, the deck starts driving you to the place of singularity through the process of duality.
Justice is the first place where we see that this concept of duality as singularity can be held in absolute balance by the governing principles of Universal Law. The scales will tip wildly to either side, but they can and will always be brought back to the center point of balance through the very nature of life and living. Meaning, if we get into the flow of duality and always seek the balance point, we will find the entry point to a way of living most in accord with god.
If we come into an understanding of everything existing on a continuum with dual opposites each holding an end of the pole, we should be able to find the center point that is the fulcrum of balance. This is sometimes referred to as “ni ni”, meaning neither this nor that. We are not just feminine or masculine, we are a merging of the two—we hold balance. We are neither happy nor sad, but rather the space of equanimity that is somewhere in between the two—the point of balance. Furthermore, we cannot long for one pole over the other; we must find the middle point that feels balanced.
This balance point is the gateway to merging with Universal Force that can take us along for a true spiritual ride into a peaceful and powerful way of living. But as delightful as that sounds, it is ever so hard to achieve. This is why you may notice that Justice does not hold balanced scales—one is tipped heavier than the other.
As humans, we tend to tip these scales towards what we consider “positive” feelings, completely negating the power of the so called “negative” feelings. Even though they often provide us with a wealth of information and impetus to change. Conversely, we can get stuck on the negative pole and never find our way to the positive. Balance, right? Knowing how to find a usefulness for both poles, yet resisting becoming attached to one is the call of Justice. Standing still and trusting as the Wheel turns you is how you live with Justice and start to truly understand that there is a tangible sense of Universal Fairness at play.
I know that sounds hard, and somewhat unkind. For how can it be fair when you are experiencing earthly unfairness in your life? Divorce, death, suffering...all of these things feel as if you are getting screwed over and that Justice is giving you the finger. And maybe she is. But we can still take the concept of Justice and see where these experiences may actually be bringing you into balance. You just have to blow the lens out a little wider. You have to look down the rope of time. You have to embrace the concept of Karma and let Justice have a little wriggle room to do the work that needs to be done.
Remember, Universal Law is ultimately impersonal. The Universe is never doing anything “to” you. Understanding this is a critical piece of spiritual maturity, and a concept that will move you miles closer to the space of equanimity with all that is. Some days you get the bear; some days the bear gets you. And on those days, you have to stay unattached. Neither is better than the other and both move you closer to the ability to ride the Wheel with grace.
So when the scales are tipped in your favour, stay graceful. And when you are getting the dirty end of the stick, stay graceful. When you feel yourself tipping too far in one direction get centered and trust in the natural way of things.
A space for everything and everything in its space.