XIX-The Sun

This one is going to be short. Mostly because there isn’t much to say that you really have to work on.

Unless joy is one of your things. Like, if you truly believe that Joy isn’t part of your human birthright, then you have LOTS of work to do. And the Sun is going to be a seriously f’n challenging card for you.

I’ve seen this, and its hard to try to explain. Some of it has to do with this American Culture that we have been indoctrinated into, (Western, too. But American is particularly rough around this concept) and the belief system that nothing is worth having unless you have to struggle to get it. It is like we are only allowed to be joyful AFTER we have gone through hell and back.

Which is bullshit.

Even if you look through the Major Arcana here, you will see that it isn’t suffering per se that we have to go through in order to get to the Sun. We have to develop, and shed some ideas that keep us caged. But whether you choose to do that through suffering or joy is up to you. The end result is the same. In this case it is clarity and peace. So I’m going to go ahead and offer you that piece of insight.

And maybe say to get over it if you can. You don’t have to prove your worth to the culture in order to experience joy and presence on Earth. Gaia never asked that of you, and I bet she would be pretty pissed to know that you think that. Everything you need is provided for you by Nature. We are the ones who went and fucked it all up by separating out from it.

Just saying. But I digress.

I want you to think of the last time you were comfortably warm. Like, perfectly warm without needing a sweater, or to strip down to a tank top. Not too hot, not too cold. Just perfectly warm. You are outside and there is that light breeze that just makes everything feel soft. I mean, go all the way. Throw in some serious nature around you—birds and fish grass and trees and mountains and beaches and shit-- and get all into that super calm, super content, super warm place. Nobody needs anything from you. Nobody is chattering gossip or judgment in your ear. Nobody has an opinion that you are obligated to entertain. You are free and allowed to be at peace.

Then just remember what it feels like in that space when you turn your face to the sky and let that gentle sun kiss your cheeks. All is well with the world.

That’s the Sun. You can play that feeling out across all the avenues of human experience, and the joy is the same. The simplicity is the same. The sense that everything is perfectly, simply okay, and it is SO okay that it is sublime.

And then remember, you may have earned it. But you don’t have to suffer to feel it.