March Astrology

February was a lot. It felt like we all got a huge hit of Adderal that somehow failed to create the laser focus promised, instead allowing our attention to fracture and fracture and fracture to the point where we had so, so, so many things to focus on. Interestingly, while it did lead to a sense of overwhelm, it also created these very interesting places of micro-attention and focus. Not attention to detail, per se, but rather parallel streams of attention that we had to learn to navigate both individually and together.

Like seeing both the forest and the trees and being able to understand that we were dealing with both aspects simultaneously.

Where that gets hard is when we confront things that are deeply buried at the same time as we manage issues that happen externally that are manifestations of that buried issue. For instance, confronting personal identity issues that you inherited from your family with your family using the identity that you have to heal. Its a fucking mess. And it has been confusing as hell for lots of you.

You need to sort through this now. Right Now. There is a massive energy shift this month that pops the gear. Things get real. Things get moving. Decisions get made. You won’t have time to be fucking around with old shit anymore. So take the lesson and let that lesson help you create hyper focused momentum.

Because once you let the arrow fly, it will hit home.

Mar 1 — Venus in Aries conjunct Jupiter/Vesta/Sedna/Chiron in Aries

This Aries energy has been packing a punch for a few weeks now, and gets hyper concentrated today for the next week or so. There is a big push to get yourself correctly positioned in your relationships, and to balance out what you give with what you get. It is very easy for you to see the future and to start laying down working solutions inside your relationships...and inside yourself. Let go of power struggles and do what you need to do for you. Take a chance on being brutally honest in service to your own highest purpose. Own your wounds and let others take responsibility for their roles. Use that to heal yourself.

Now is the time to create your lines in the sand, your paths on the map, and your boundaries for healthy giving and self-expression.

Mar 02/3 — Mercury in Aquarius conjuncts Saturn in Aquarius

Mercury enters Pisces

Within 24 hours, Mercury conjuncts Saturn in the same sign and then rolls on out into another sign—but maintains the conjunction. This primes the path for Saturn to follow suit and change signs later in the week.

Both Mercury and Saturn are generally excellent at seeing. Mercury sorts, Saturn creates accountability. The Saturn transit into Pisces will be a BFD—Mercury, not so much. But it does give you a taste of what is about to roll on in.

This Aquarius conjunction gives you an amazing ability to plan from the eagle’s perspective, making this a great day to do some goal planning/ visioning. See what you want in the macro, and then take some time to see how the macro filters down to the micro. Create benchmarks and actionable steps; create accountability metrics. Do the high-level work right now.

When Mercury shifts over in Pisces, this crispness shifts into creativity and intuition. Take that and layer it over that map you made for yourself, flushing it out and adding some colour to it. Be aware that these visions may or may not take root the way you imagine, but that is the nature of Pisces. It sees everything all together all at once—of course there will be mistakes in perception. Right? That’s okay. That’s right now. The fun part; the good part.

When Saturn transitions, you will be able to layer in some more tangible realities into the mix. But for now, do this. That comes later.

Mar 06 — Jupiter/Chiron/Venus/Juno in Aries trine Moon in Leo

Sedna/Vesta/Chiron/Jupiter/Venus square Pallas in Cancer

You know those moments when you’re super duper pissed and you know intellectually that you are about to lose your shit, but yet you are curiously calm? And you can actually sort through things in your head and make these long lists of what has been done against you, what was unfair to you, how you sacrificed to no gratitude, etc, etc….

And at the heart of it is this beating mantra of Do you know who I am?!

The answer is no, they don’t. But you are really likely to tell them today. Loudly, and with great prejudice. This pieces from the head of the month that had you sorting out your bright lines gets a huge boost from a highly individualized Moon with big pride and identity. You know who you are and you know what you need. Those same energies get hit with a hammer from a Pallas in Cancer that roots itself in old-school tradition. So if there is conflict with your family, your ancestry, your nationality and the new you that has grown and emerged as a fully independent, forward thinking individual, it will all come out today.

Take your stance and defend it. Clear toxicity and ancestral group think from your life wherever you can. Just don’t burn any bridges for fun.

Mar 7 — Full moon in Virgo opposition Mercury in Pisces

Saturn enters Pisces

Here it is. That final straw—on a couple fronts. That Mercury is somewhat out in the astral wilds, gathering as much information as is humanly possible. Your ability to think very, very ‘out there’ is off the charts right now. That makes it a little hard to deal with the super practical ‘just the facts’ Virgo Moon. It won’t feel good, kind of like putting on work pants after a month of Covid sweats.

That doesn’t mean the energy isn’t useful or good. We all have to put on big-person panties at some point. So if you did that mapping work, you can simultaneously send the Mercury out and about as you land the details with this full moon. So your intention setting and ritual has to be two pronged: land the current details as you bring in the possibilities. Keep it open ended; don’t try and “lock it down”.

You have to leave room for the Saturn transition to show you things you may not have been able to see. Saturn has a way of bringing home not only your chickens to roost, but probably a few useful ducks that you wouldn’t have called in if left to your own devices. There is a creativity to the structures that Pisces Saturn brings, and we haven’t seen it since the mid-nineties. It takes time to evolve since there is new information coming in all at once and all the time at the same time but over a long time. You can’t really control it, you just need to direct the lens.

Saturn will roll through Pisces until May 24, 2025, then from August 31, 2025 until Feb 13, 2026. You’ve got some time with it, so there is no need to try and lock anything down hard with this Virgo Full Moon. Instead, refine that map, leaving room for future developments that will relate to the future you that this Saturn encourages. Open up lines of self-improvement that deal with where you make excuses and fall into habits of overwhelm and dissociation. Be willing to take responsibility for your mindless habits and behaviours. It won’t happen all at once, but if you lay down the willingness now, you will find that this Saturn will take you there.

March 9/10—Sedna/Vesta/Jupiter/Chiron in Aries opposition Moon in Libra

This is the death gasp of everything that happened on the 6th. But now, instead of Do you know who I am? The roar is Its not fair and I don’t have to take it.

Check your balance. Weigh your own behaviours. Take responsibility—and also give it. Your relationships are all being put on the scales and anything that isn’t fair to you—or where you can’t be fair to them—will have to be restructured.

Mar 12 — Venus in Aries sextile Mars in Gemini

Juno enters Taurus

Take a break. Go out. Have fun and get laid. After all that big work, you need a night to just enjoy yourself with someone great. Venus and Mars are natural lovers, and they are both in fun-loving signs. This sextile opens up doors of communication and physicality that can lead places if you just roll. Love can be a daring adventure if you’re willing to take the risk.

Interestingly, the planet of commitment weighs in here in, ready to settle down in grounded Taurus. This is a good aspect for stable relationships. So be open tonight to what shows up; Love is certainly in the air.

Mar 14-16 — Mars in Gemini square Neptune/ Sun/Mercury in Pisces

Venus in Aries square Pluto in Capricorn

Mars is kind of being a dick this week, so in circumstances where you ask yourself am I the asshole here? truly consider that the answer might be yes. Mars is aggressive by nature; Gemini is manipulative by nature. Neptune and the Sun in Pisces together can create a huge smoke screen in reality. We generally can’t tell up from down or right from wrong when these two join forces. Throw in the Mercury and your head isn’t super clear right now. Salt it all with a volatile Venus clashing with a controlling Capricorn and you aren’t willing to just sit back and take anything.

Put all this in a pot, and we see a lot of talking out of the ass, making it hard to trust anyone—including your own judgment. Your emotions will be hot and ready making you feel like you just want to rebel against anything and anybody that tries to exert control over you. Shit can blow way out of proportion; everyone will be a little snappier than usual. Try not to take any important meetings if you can avoid it since burning that bridge sounds like a great idea. Maybe keep your head down instead and mind your own business.

Mar 17 — Venus enters Taurus

After a stressful week, this aspect takes the edge off. A little.

Venus returns to its home sign of Taurus and settles in for a comfy coze. Until April 10th, your emotions will be more grounded and focused on creature comforts. The drama llama gets put in the stables for a while so enjoy it while you can.

Mar 19 — Mercury enters Aries

This transit opens the gates to the new beginnings that Equinox brings. The first half of the month was a lot of clearing and focusing in on what we need to move forward in new ways that are authentic to who we are becoming. There was a lot of temper, a lot of fire and a lot of sorting the gold from the dirt. The heavy influx of Pisces energy made that process both murky and clear—which in and of itself can create temper. So I get it. But just remember, we are in the process of refining and narrowing that scattered focus into a path that serves.

Here, with Mercury moving into Aries, we return to our clarity and fearlessness of purpose. Our words become bold and potent. We are comfortable with directness and asking for what we need clearly and without remorse. You’ll have to keep an eye to your tact, but all in all, this is a good portent for forward direction.

Mar 20/21 — Sun enters Aries/Spring Equinox

New moon in Aries

Now, people, now! Do it now!

All the energy that you wanted to lay down on the full moon(but didn’t, hopefully) can be laid out now with the new. This is all about new beginnings, new paths, new choices, new chances and the new version of you that you have been busy birthing through Pisces season.

As the true New Year, you can set down those intentions that will carry you forward towards your joy. Be authentic with yourself and set a course that is inspired, geared towards your highest health and happiness. These goals aren’t like those Capricorn “New Year” resolutions. Instead, they should fill you with confidence, enthusiasm, and courage. This is the season of new beginnings, so shed the old skin of expectation or confusion and start with a fresh slate. Plant the seeds of growth, take a leap of faith, and use this energy to get those plans moving.

You are the main character in your life. Live that way!

Mar 24 — Pluto enters Aquarius

This is another transit that is a BFD, so get onboard with it during this little hop and you will save yourself a lot of trouble when it finally settles in. Pluto spent 15 years in Capricorn and this marks the first of a series of gradual transitions into Aquarius. This sign change will take place in three steps. Starting today, Pluto moves into Aquarius for about three months, and then return to Capricorn for a little more than seven months. In January of 2024, it will remain in Aquarius for more than seven months before returning to Capricorn in for two and a half months in September. It finally and permanently change to Aquarius on November 19, 2024.

Pluto's entry into Aquarius brings the collective Aquarian ideals and awareness. We will be more open to seeing systemic inequalities and injustices. We will be collectively inclined to focus on independence and freedom, decentralization and networking. Top down structures need to go, with a refocusing of power on a more horizontal plane.

A lot of toxic shit went down during the Capricorn era, and we will be more and more disinclined to tolerate it. This includes government corruptions, corporate hierarchy, flawed banking and lending as well as real estate inequities. Pluto in Aquarius pulls back the curtain on everything and asks us to purge the social toxicities that have been built into these structures that we have come to accept, hate and deal with. A reckoning is at hand when it comes to our relationship with power and control.

This is just the beginning, so take a look at it and sense how it all feels to you. You will have to align yourself in the future, so taking the steps now can make that an easier process.

Mar 25 — Mars enters Cancer

Go home, y’all. Just go home. There has been a lot of energy moving and shifting and you need ato go home and assimilate it all. When Mars leaves Gemini and slips in Cancer, the fight simply leaves you. You’re tired. You don’t want to take it head on anymore. You want to sit down at home and fight your battles from the couch. So maybe do that.

Cancer Mars is not a comfortable transit. It may leave you feeling like you don’t have the energy to fight, which can send you into the realms of passive-aggressive. You might wish for “easier times” (even though we all know that nostalgia is pretty much bullshit). You may also find yourself whittling down those large scale battles from the Pluto transit into what they mean for you and your family and your home only. Cancer Mars is fiercely protective of the home and family, so if you can manage to blow this energy out just a little bit and mix it with the Plutonian energy, you may be able to to create larger scale safety plans for your family’s future.

If not, don’t worry. Just ride this out for the next six weeks and take it as it comes.