November Astrology

Nov 1—Saturn in Aquarius square South Node Rx/ Venus/ Sun/ Mercury in Scorpio

Be aware that we all have this chunk of Scorpio playing havoc in the skies for the next two weeks. Individuals with Scorpio placements that mirror these orientations will probably not have a hard time with it, while the rest of us will feel a little bit like urban women walking past a New York City construction site of old. This energy of the South Node, Venus, the Sun, and Mercury all clumped together is both powerful and aggressive-passive-aggressive. All the personal aspects of our lives will be touched by this: karma, identity, intellect and heart. There is no small amount of chaos here as nothing feels face value and we want to look behind every word and action to discover the secret meaning or danger. Trust is a hard commodity. Obstacles seem everywhere. This all feels like some sort of cosmic test that we didn’t study for and never got the answers.

So just hold tight and ride it out. Today, square Saturn in Aquarius, we will want to start looking forward and there is the energy of discipline, focus and grand plans simmering in the mind. But there is also this little Scorpio Gremlin throwing shade bombs at every idea you put up there. Expect delays of confidence. Expect challenges to your authority. Expect unnecessary confusion.

This feels acute today but the intensity of it does ease up fairly quickly. Just know that it pops up again and again wearing slightly different faces as this month progresses.

Nov 2—Mars Rx in Gemini trine Saturn/Moon/ Vesta in Aquarius

What’s interesting is that hot on the heels of that cluster fuck is this inhale that feels like acknowledging the reality and choosing to be existential about it. Like, if you can’t see clearly what needs to be enacted on the manifest plane, then you may as well sit back into the spiritual plane and rest in the astral design. Mars Rx doesn’t have thrust, and Aquarius prefers to take a bigger view, so with them working together you don’t have the urge to go go go. Additionally, with the asteroid of spirituality and the moon here, you feel more comfortable chilling inside that space and simply seeing what arises.

Nov 3—Moon conjunct Juno conjunct Sedna in Pisces trine Mercury/Sun/ South Node Rx in Scorpio

This deepens even further as the Scorpio Gremlin joins in on that party instead of challenging it. So where it made your focus hard, here it lends depth to the insights that you take on—but maybe not in the super nice way. Your heart (the moon) conjuncts two asteroids of relationship, Sedna and Juno. Neither one of these asteroids is super healthy when it comes to relationship. One, Juno, tends to take on more shit than is necessary. The other, Sedna, refuses to take on any shit. So does that balance out, or does it have you swinging between two poles of blind acceptance and rabid mistrust? When we throw in the extra depth of the Scorpio karma/identity/mind/ love, it really makes you question everything about your role in your relationships.

All relationships. This is extremely agitating and a drama llama brew that serves no good. Set it aside and just don’t go there.

Nov 8 — Full Moon Lunar Eclipse in Taurus conjuncts Uranus/ North Node Rx in Taurus opposition Sun/ Venus/ Mercury in Scorpio

Gawd. You’re going to have to lean in, folks. Lean in. This lunar eclipse is a serious whammy, and honestly you either work it or it works you. This lunation asks you to get mutherfuckin’ REAL about what you need to get rid of in order to survive your next evolution. Nothing will feel safe or stable and all the things you had assumed were both are showing up for you as...up for reinterpretation.

Taurus craves stability and predictability. Scorpio craves depth and transformation. The moon is an ever changing creature, so on a very base level it isn’t a harmonious joining. But when we add in the native fears around stability that this North Node brings and the gleeful dismantling that Uranus brings, that joining becomes truly unstable and uncomfortable. The constant chaos and digging that the Scorpio Gremlin brings to that literally carves out whatever meagre foundation that the Taurus has managed to save. So this is real conflict. It is the meeting of a need to completely and utterly transform the foundation to something much more fluid and indescribable with the urge to create foundations that will never ever change and create safety and structure for ever and ever.

That’s not going to work out, y’all. Its like two rams locking horns on the mountaintop. So don’t do that, rather get ahead of it. Assess your foundation and decide for yourself what you want to break down and destroy. Assess your desire for change and decide for yourself what is holding you back. You can work this or it can work you. But if you decide to work it for yourself, the opportunity to write your forward trajectory is very, very strong.

Nov 10 — Moon in Gemini opposition Hygiea in Sagittarius

Take a mental health day. Really, just call off work, or cancel your appointments or pass the errands off to someone else to do. Take this day and think about your mental health and how it relates to your physical heath and how that makes you a holistic being in need of all kinds of health care. Your Self-care is really important today, beyond the everyday basics. Your awareness and your intuition need to open up and focus on this area of your life so that you can make it a natural, daily priority. However that looks, you need it and you need to think about it right now.

Nov 14 — Moon/ Pallas in Cancer trine Venus/ Mercury/ Sun in Scorpio trine Jupiter Rx/ Neptune Rx in Pisces

Ok, honestly, this grand trine has been brewing since the beginning of the month, but it only really fully locks in once the moon joined the party. The energy peaks today and starts to dissipate tomorrow, so whatever agitation you have been feeling around this alignment should start to ease up here.

But for today: Read the fine print. Don’t make any new commitments. Watch your mouth. Focus on your home.

The themes of safety and comfort rise up again to be acknowledged and integrated. Things that have been brewing beneath the surface that compromise this will be outed for you to look at. The illusions that you have been maintaining to manage the status quo will become glaringly clear. So, in other words, this is where that full moon lands….and it lands at home. If you tune in to your emotional intelligence, you will be able to navigate this with greater compassion, clarity and ease.

Nov 16 — Moon in Leo opposition Saturn in Aquarius/ Vesta in Aquarius

It seems like it has been a lot of work this month, hasn’t it? Like all the muck in the bottom of the drain has needed to be cleared. Its been hard work, sometimes gross, oftentimes consuming. I’m sure you are tired of it by now.

That particular emotion will be on the ascendancy today. You need levity and fun and cheer and creativity and joy and loudness and silliness and all the things. So expect anything that asks you to be serious, think about the future, or your place in the universe to be met with a big fat raspberry, two deuces and an utter unwillingness to adult. This is a big, fat fuckit day.

So fuck it.

Nov 17— Venus enters Sagittarius

Aaaaaand now we start to breathe. Its happening. Its the beginning. The Scorpio Gremlin breaks up right here and we can taste the beginning of the holidays. We can taste fun on the horizon and the loosening of all that fucking seriousness. Venus in Sagittarius brings an awareness of our connection to the web of life and feelings of love through that connection. It is open, lighthearted, curious and ready to have an adventure of play. You will be more inclined to put your cards on the table, ask for what you want and move on with grace and energy.

Thank. Gawd.

Nov 18 — Mercury enters Sagittarius

Yessssss, even more forward movement and levity coming through. Communication and ideas lighten up and we are more inclined to be optimistic, outspoken, and humorous. You may find yourself feeling extra curious about the world around you, wanting to travel and see all that there is to see. You may also feel driven to learn something new which will facilitate the clearing work you have just completed. Go ahead and get rolling, the energy will support this for a while.

Nov 20 — Sun in Scorpio trine Jupiter Rx Pisces

Moon in Libra opposition Chiron Rx in Aries

There is an insight here that you need to have regarding trusting your intuition….but not allowing that intuition to lead you down the garden path. The balance has been off recently and the intuition has been a little dark, and maybe overly expanded to the place where it generates mistrust of those around you. We aren’t meant to live that way; trust is something that we absolutely need in order to thrive and to authentically feel that safety that has been this month’s driving theme.

You will feel, in your heart, this desire to be able to trust and enjoy others. In a very simple way. Finding this ease of trust is a major point of healing right now. But it comes at the hands of clearing out that culturally ingrained habit of presenting as if EVERYTHING’S FINE, when you are actually wounded. Learn how to balance this out—using that intuition—by finding those people you can absolutely trust to ask for help when you need it, or admit that you just aren’t okay. This is so important right now. So, so important.

Nov 21 — Vesta enters Pisces

Mercury in Sagittarius conjuncts Venus in Sagittarius

Vesta is the ruler of the sacred flame and shows us what we are prepared to dedicate ourselves to on a sacred level. This is soul purpose stuff, y’all. Vesta in Pisces encourages you to align with your spiritual subconscious and dedicate yourself to connection. This allows you to completely absorb into your relationship with yourself and find a new level of commitment to what makes you bloom. It also gives you a unique creativity and dedication to make this happen.

When we marry this movement to the joining of Venus and Mercury in Sagittarius, we find that this creativity and drive aligns with your spiritual/ intellectual curiosity. Venus/ Mercury in Sagittarius is highly social, outgoing, curios and interested in personal growth that leads to collective growth. So, all these things you have been working on, clearing, laying out and organizing….they’re ready. Get focused and get going.

Just don’t forget to include others. They are the secret to your success.

Nov 23-4 — Sun in Sagittarius

New moon in Sagittarius

Jupiter goes direct in Pisces

Sun/ Moon in Sagittarius square Vesta in Pisces

Mercury/ Venus in Sagittarius square Juno/ Sedna in Pisces

I know this looks like a lot, and it is. But most of it is good a lot. There is so much forward momentum that it might seem a little overwhelming. It is that sense of overwhelm that is the true danger point, not the speed of the movement.

The Sun moves into Sagittarius, which creates a sense of purpose and adventure. The moon joins the sun several hours later and conjuncts the next day. This puts your core and your heart into alignment; all of you wants the same things. So when it comes to those dreams you have been working on, any confusion or apprehension dies here. The New Moon in Sagittarius brings with it generosity and a feeling of being really open to giving and receiving love. It brings about feelings of hope and optimism. It generates trust.

Add in a Jupiter in Pisces that is finally moving forward again, and we see this theme doubled down with an extra pinch of healing, imagination, and finding inspiration all around. It is a lot. But it is a lot of good.

The challenge lie in being flexible and adaptable to what these changes offer. You may find that part of you craves the spiritual quietude that this thrust of movement rattles. That’s okay, just carve out spaces of time to breathe and connect; it isn’t run run all the time. You may also find that your relationships need to adapt to your new direction, and that might be harder than you had expected. That’s also okay, just stay open in your communication, flexible in your heart and really hear what your partner is asking of you. Sagittarius tends to blaze a trail with little thought to consequence. If you are aware of this and can throttle that impulse to create balance, fairness and justice to you both then all will be well.

Nov 29 — Mercury/ Venus/ Hygiea in Sagittarius opposition Mars in Gemini

Mercury/ Venus/ Hygiea in Sagittarius sextile Moon in Aquarius conjunct Saturn in Aquarius

This will feel shitty even as it is not shitty. This is a speed check that reminds you that Rome was not built in a day and that you actually have time to savour your process. Doing so maintains your mental and physical health as well as the health of your interpersonal connections. So don’t let the stall feel like a stall, but rather perceive it as a safe speed limit that keeps all drivers on the road. Just slow down and don’t be pissy about it.

Nov 30 — Pallas stations to retrograde Cancer

As Pallas stations to retrograde in Cancer, it’s a good time to soften back into empathy and emotional intelligence. You’ve been cruising the Sagittarius frequency for a while, which is big and bold and piercing. This reminds you that we all have feelings and sometimes we need to sit in them and enjoy the simple connections available to us through emotion. People’s emotions will be easy to read right now, and you can use that to create comfort and ease all around you.