This moment, this card, this space is one of immense healing. You are unencumbered. All of the smallness of the heavier earth realm is irrelevant and you can truly start to explore the concept of non-Duality in an experiential way.
Read MoreI need you to come to a very basic understanding and a very challenging acceptance. You don’t have to hold onto it as belief, but you do if even for just this moment, have to know that it exists in the full realm of possibility—even probability—and during that one moment of knowing, you cannot run away from it.
Read MoreTime means nothing here; only presence. Purpose means nothing here; only presence. Challenge means nothing; only presence. Presence in the experience of the bated stillness inside the moments between moments.
Read MoreTarot readings with Jamie Shane
Read MoreStop, drop, and give a good long look at where you have been letting things just roll along,
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