December Astrology

Dec 1 — Mercury/ Venus/ Hygiea conjunct in Sagittarius square Neptune Rx/ Moon/Jupiter conjunct in Pisces

Mercury/ Venus/ Hygiea conjunct in Sagittarius square Ceres in Virgo

Neptune Rx/ Moon/Jupiter conjunct in Pisces opposition Ceres in Virgo

So look. This day is really more confusing that anything. It feels like you can’t get a straight answer about anything. It also feels like you already know the answer but can’t quite put your finger on it. A merging of mind/body/heart energy in the moving forward sign of Sagittarius has the potential to create a sense of “whole being knowing”. Like when you get that sense that something is just right. But then you also have the illusionist/ heart/ jumper energy merging in the confusing-at-best sign of Pisces. So you know but you aren’t sure what you know. But you do know that you want to do something about what you know, but since you aren’t sure what you know, you can’t decide what to do.

Yeah. Right?

On top of all of that is a square to the Great Mother in the sign of the Organizer. So a part of you senses that all of that confusion could be sorted out if only you sat down and created structure around it. It can’t, not today. So tap into your patience and sit with that sense of knowing-not-knowing. It will come clear. Just not right now, so no point in fighting it.

Dec 1-31—Pallas in in Cancer Rx opposition Pluto in Capricorn

Y’all. This opposition here will be humming in the background of the month like a construction crew demolishing your neighbour’s house. The noise isn’t in the front of your experience all the time, but you will always know it is there.

This is the conflict between tradition and growth, home and outside, power and comfort. The Plutonian forces are holding on for dear life even as that death grip is crumbling that which is being held. The Athenian processes will be looking back into the past for answers to the future even as that past is clearly shown to have no forward directed relevance.

This is a lesson in moving forward fearlessly with little to no solid information or clarity of destination. You are going to have to trust your gut and your ability to pivot when needed. Remember, there are no bad decisions. Do what you have to do and do something else if that doesn’t work out.

Dec 4 — Mercury in Sagittarius trine Moon in Aries

You can expect for the confusion earlier in the week to dissipate as you get this immense push to get out there and get going. You may not make the best decisions, but you surely will be in for one hell of a ride. At this point, that theme of the month starts to settle in and you get a thrust forward that cannot be denied. I’m not saying to be fearless and reckless, but if you have been paying attention over the last several months you ought to have sensed the shift in you that points to a new direction. Old timelines have been deleting, and new timelines have not yet been revealed. But you can sense them, and you are being tasked with bravely moving towards them with a sense of optimism and faith that it will all work out.

Dec 6 — Pluto in Capricorn trine Moon in Taurus trine Ceres in Virgo (earth trine)

This earth trine is asking you to get in touch with what is truly important to you materially. What do you authentically need to feel safe and secure in the world? What worldly goods are absolutely necessary to your ability to move through life with confidence and ease?

You may find that some of the ‘things’ that you once thought necessary were truly only ego garnish that stoked your sense of reputation. You may also find that the services you put out into the world weren’t as altruistic as you may have thought (I’m talking to you, lightworkers). This is a reality check of an earth nature. Find your ground. Find your support. Know what you need. Know your worth. Neither over nor underestimate any of it.

Get. Real.

Dec 8--Mercury enters Capricorn

Full moon in Gemini conjunct Mars Rx in Gemini

opposition Sun in Sagittarius

This Full moon, work on Clear Mind, Clear Heart, Clear Intention. You may not be able to see what is coming down the road, but you yourself need to be as clear as a mountain lake. That’s the work.

Lots will be coming up for personal review. Things we did or did not do and probably should have. Anger that we did not express appropriately or at all. Words that hurt others or ourselves. These types of things will all come up and need to be settled once and for all. I’m not necessarily saying to forgive and forget, but rather to resolve and release.

This may be an Air Moon, but there is a lot of fire behind it. Mars is a planet of action, war, anger, sexuality and fire. It is retrograde so a lot of that energy is directed within with a ton of mental force behind it. You cannot get away from your thoughts, so you may as well use that force to help direct you to your highest resolutions. It won’t feel all that good, honestly. And with an opposition to the ‘move on and forget about it’ sun position, you could start to feel pretty resentful of it all. Watch your thoughts and watch your mouth.

Try to lighten up and get real with yourself. You have extra energy to make that so in the form of Mercury heading into Capricorn on the exact same day. The planet of communication will be in Capricorn for the rest of 2022, prolonging its stay thanks to the upcoming retrograde. For the remainder of the year, communication will be straightforward, practical and responsible. The perfect time to do the work, get ourselves set right and make clarity of self a driving goal.

Dec 10 — Venus enters Capricorn

Vesta/ Sedna conjunct in Pisces trine South Node Rx in Scorpio

Sedna/Juno conjunct in Pisces trine South Node Rx in Scorpio

Juno/ Neptune conjunct in Pisces trine South Node Rx in Scorpio

So after all that Full Moon work, you should not at all be surprised by the skeleton that jumps out of your closet and starts twerking in your living room. You conjured it and it is here to be seen, heard and dealt with so that you no longer operate out of its karmic programming. Those issues around anger, communication and right action will be joined by issues of sacred autonomy, betrayal and obeisance. So. Good times.

Look at where you may have done things that were not in your best interest in order to feel safe from a stronger power. Places where you sacrificed your sacred autonomy to keep the peace. Places where you ate the shit sandwich because it was easier than fighting. Look at all relationship types—from familial to romantic and back again. Something here is asking to be let out and let go so that as you move into the unknown, you don’t drag these behaviour skeletons with you.

Additionally, there is a seriousness here that happens with your inner feminine. Themes of loyalty, reliability, and maturity will become very important—especially as they stand in contrast to those places of inner sacrifice you are having to examine. Venus in Capricorn is no joke. Take her seriously—take yourself seriously. And then set about setting yourself up in the way that speaks to your authentic security.

Dec 12 — Sun in Sagittarius sextile Saturn in Aquarius

Ready. Set. Go! Okay, lol. That may be overstating it, but this is a nice aspect that shows up and gives you a great little boost. Interestingly, many (not all) of the aspects we have looked at so far this month are still running, so that energy hums along in the background. But when this sextile layers in on top of it, you get a bit more external clarity and a bit more confidence in the path.

Sagittarius Sun is bold and curious and more than a little fearless. It will gather information and then jump right on into the fray much like an Aries only way better prepared. That Aquarius Saturn, which is quite familiar by now, lends an eagle’s view to the whole thing. Now, not only do you feel better prepared to move along, but you also have a sense of being able to see much farther into the process. That sense of banging around in the dark from earlier in the month is lessened and it is time to take a good look at the road ahead and understand what you need to get rolling.

Dec 14 — Mercury in Capricorn trine Uranus/ North Node conjunct in Taurus

Venus in Capricorn trine North Node in Taurus

The farther I get in this month, the more I love these themes that are layering in and reinforcing themselves. Here is another set of aspects that brings home the concept of resources and stability as they relate to the new sense of direction and adventure that you are exploring.

So now that you have gotten rid of the bugaboos in the closet, cleared out any past resentments and attachments, gathered clarity about your mind and heart, figured out what security truly means to you, and taken a good look at the playing field, you finally bump onto the precise road that is perfect for you. The material, mental and emotional stability of Mercury and Venus in Capricorn start working with the dharma point of a North Node in Taurus. This can mean some exciting changes for your financial life as well as some new relating styles when it comes to your money.

Pay attention. Your dollars are trying to tell you something.

Dec 19 — Ceres enters Libra

The Great Mother shifts from the slightly over-bearing nature of Virgo and into the fairer sign of Libra. This spreads the love around, allows you to see more points of view, be more accepting of those under your care, and generally have more fun. Interestingly, you also nourish yourself better as you feel more comfortable creating a balance of other-care and self-care.

Its a good thing.

Dec 21-22 — Jupiter enters Aries

Sun enters Capricorn/Winter Solstice

Sun in Capricorn square Jupiter in Aries

Happy Solstice, bitches!

The is the longest night of the year and a solar reminder to slow down and take a good long look at what it means to rest. You can’t be out there running all the time, and even Gaia herself takes the time to renew.

The Sun slips into Capricorn, making solstice a great time to review our current responsibilities and ask which ones we still feel connected to pursue. In your earthly ego, you may be working so hard for reputation and success that you fail to check in with your softer pieces that really want a softer pace. Maybe, maybe not, but this night is an excellent time to check your ego at the door and reflect on your true values. This whole month has teed you up for a night like this where you can ask all the right questions, meditate on your current now and perhaps make some powerful releases.

That process should be dark and slow. Deep. Quiet. Unfortunately, at exactly the same time as all of this is going down and shutting down, the planet of growth and luck surges back into Aries. This is a major energy boost for the Benefactor, so you if you have lots of Aries in your natal chart, you may find that you don’t want to reflect at all but rather get the fuck on with it. Aries Jupiter increases pace and brings up bold ideas that seem to speed along to action.

This conflict can create anxiety. My advice is to simply not go there, instead, use that surge of energy like a bonfire in the long night. That which comes up for Capricorn release can get lit up and burned away by the fire of Aries Jupiter. That theme would make an easy and powerful ritual. Burn the old, ignite the new.

Just remember that this is a night for Saturn, so be respectful of all that may no longer fit your structure but once was exactly what you needed. It is time to make way, absolutely. But remember that what you chose, who you were and what you did were perfect expressions of the you from then. Respect that you. Process it. Release it. Respect the new you.

Repeat as needed.

Dec 23 — New moon in Capricorn

Chiron goes direct in Aries

I feel like the rituals of this month are of the many-day variety. Both moons this month have had such strong energy that seems to spin out into reinforcing aspects that ask the work to keep on keepin’ on. We just saw all this Capricorn work coming up for ritual with the solstice and then 36 hours later we find a Capricorn New Moon that keeps that party rolling.

Everything that you sorted out and set to flame is still working with this moon. On Solstice we cleared and ignited; we started. This New Moon is the opportunity to lay down the practical steps that the start will need to keep going properly. Capricorn is practical. So handle practical things. Do earth things that set up your astral goals. Make lists. Pay off old bills. Clean out closets. Create practical space for your visions to flow into, both in your physical realm and in your astral one. This New Moon ritual may simply be one of winter cleaning and calendar creating so that you can manifest the rest.

Additionally, with Chiron finally going direct, you can viscerally feel the last bit of healing happening as you do this. Know what you need. Ask for it. Drive it. Don’t pretend like you are “fine” if you need something from someone. Honesty is the healing process now, so get to it.

Dec 28 — Venus in Capricorn sextile Neptune in Pisces

This next step is asking how you love yourself, and how your treatment of yourself is a living representation of that love. Are you deluding yourself into believing that you practice self-love by engaging in rituals or self-talk that look good on the surface but don’t actually tick your boxes? That’s pretty easy to do when we have an over-ruling cultural dictate of what self-love is supposed to look like.

But after all the work done this month, you should have a pretty strong grasp on what is authentic to you. Only you can know how you really like to get down. This alignment is showing you that you can take the time, be as out there as you like and still be as down to earth as you want. So if you feel like you need to sort out your bank book while sitting in a tub full of scented bubbles, you do you boo. Take the day to connect to yourself and then from that place of connection, reconnect with those that you love the most. Show them who you are and I guarantee that they will love it.

Dec 29-30 — Mercury goes retrograde in Capricorn

One more Mercury Retrograde to wrap up the year, allowing you one last look in the review mirror. This is the final wrap up that should cement in all of the work done this month. Take a flip through the work, make sure you have been honest and set things up correctly. Then settle in and trust that you can sit back and let the work simmer. This retrograde allows you the time and space for these next three weeks to understand those deeply ingrained behaviours that come from lineage, tradition and habit. Feel that last bit of resistance in you and understand that moving forward will only happen when you integrate your past and see.

Resist the urge to set New Year Intentions. That boat sailed with the Solstice/ New Moon. This is more like paying the bill and making sure you didn’t leave your cell phone in the conference room. Feel me?

Dec 31--

You know. There’s actually a lot happening this Gregorian New Year’s Eve, so much so that its somewhat too much to list out. The energy is tight and clustered in Capricorn, Pisces and Aries with a lot of conjunctions--which can make for a pretty wild ride this night. Tempers can flash hot. Parties can go off the deep end. And regrets can be pretty serious. So while you may feel tempted to throw it all to the winds and have a super fun night, I may warn you to keep a gimlet eye on the you that will have to look your life in the eye the next morning.

Remember the last scene in The Hangover where they find the camera and look at all the pictures? Yeah. This is that. Stay safe out there, y’all. Be smart.