January Astrology

Jan 1-- Moon in Taurus trine Sun in Capricorn

Hygiea/ Sun/ Mercury/ Venus/ Pluto in Capricorn

Vesta/ Sedna/ Neptune/ Juno in Pisces

So this is where we are starting. We have actually been here since roughly the 25th, so don’t take it as a surprise. We also tend to find ourselves here practically every year around this time, plus or minus. So the reason we all find New Year Resolutions so attractive after the holiday is less about the “holiday indulgence” and more about the fact that Capricorn starts hollering real loud, writing cheques with its mouth that its ass can’t cash. When that energy shifts to Aquarius mid January, those hard line resolutions naturally give way to an easier mode of being. The collective shifts away from goal based achievement to a much more fluid ideal of success. So don’t give yourself too much shit about it, right?

This year we have the added bonus of a lot of Pisces energy happening at the same time. This is illusory, optimistic energy, and it is banging for real right now. So all those Capricorn things you are promising yourself? Yeah, get over it; more than likely is not going to happen. Going to start a HIIT program? No, you’re not. Yoga every morning at 6:30 am? Nope. Giving up bread, beer and carbs? Dream on, honey. Dream. On.

This isn’t to say that your goals won’t be achieved. They absolutely can be, but they have to be reasonable. They have to accommodate the fluidity of life and the reality of the human process. And they also have to be built to survive the upcoming Aquarius/ Pisces season. Truly, New Year’s resolutions would be FAR better served in March.

So maybe ease up, enjoy the winter and see what the Spring brings you.

Jan 3 — Venus enters Aquarius

That shift away from the Capricorn climb happens pretty quickly once Venus moves in Aquarius. This planet rules our love, our homes and our earthly desires. In Aquarius, it requires lots of fun, lots of conversation and lots of independence. This transit asks you to connect with your community to find new ways of being in relationship. Interact more, go out and be more social. See new things in old friends and make new pathways to them.

Aquarius is less attached to its emotions than other signs, relying more on the head than the heart when relating to others. You will need more freedom and room to move than usual; you may feel overly confined by those who try and hold you too tightly. These next three and a half weeks, try to slip through that grip gently—don’t burn any bridges. Encourage those you care about to pursue their own passions freely, while you do the same. Reconnect with honesty, friendship, and common interests. Then, when this transit has passed, you will come together enriched and can be close again.

But for now, expand your horizons and find both new people to relate with and also new ways of relating with old friends and loves already in your life. You might be surprised by what you find.

Jan 4 -31—Ceres in Libra opposition Juno in Pisces

Here is another month long whopper that will hum along in the background. December’s Pallas background hum is still in effect, so you may find some deeper tensions when these two aspects intersect.)

Ceres is the Great Mother and is working the energy of Libra. This asks us to consider the concept of nurturing inside the realm of balance and fairness. You have to level it out so that you aren’t giving away all of your power in an effort to keep others healthy and hale. That can only go badly for all parties, right? Where it gets tricky is that at the same time Juno, the Great Wife, is working the energy of Pisces. That energy is such that you want to dissolve all of your energy into your partner so that the two of you can ‘be as one’.

So these two things don’t really go, now do they? You will have to find the balance within your give and take so that you manage your nurturing and your loving in a replenishing fashion.

Jan 5 — Sun in Capricorn trine Uranus Rx in Taurus

You’ll have to look at at this aspect through the dark lens, I think. Uranus Rx in Taurus has been breaking down all kinds of foundations in life for years. This is something that should, inherently, make Capricorn Sun nervous as all getout. However, here, I’m not certain that is the case.

They appear to be working together to recreate foundations in a way that should generate generational longevity. Wow, weird sentence, right? But there is something here that has Uranus shaking down a brick and Capricorn Sun picking it up immediately to lay it down ina better place. Will it stay there? I’m not sure, honestly. The whole foundation analogy only works when you factor in the mortar, and I don’t quite see that yet. Maybe in March.

So what I think we are looking at is a good outline for the collective to start building when the time is right. You will probably experience some resistance around the themes of tradition, tribalism and precedent, but I encourage you to set those aside. There is a good opportunity here fro you to dig through the rubble of those concepts and pull out only the bricks that you can set. The bricks that lead you to a better way of living and sharing the world.

Jan 6 — Full moon in Cancer Opposition Hygiea/ Mercury Rx in Capricorn

Sit your ass down and shut your damn mouth. Anything that you think needs to be said, doesn’t. As a matter of fact, you are probably full of shit right now and don’t even realize it. This full moon is one that is best served managing hearth, home, family and comfort. So stay in, make a good meal and Netflix with your homies—even if it is just the cat.

Jan 7 — Sun in Capricorn conjunct Mercury Rx in Capricorn opposition Moon in Cancer conjunct Pallas in Cancer

So the same thing that you were dealing with on the full moon yesterday doubles down today and gets worse. Seriously. Shut the fuck up. SHUT THE FUCK UP. Your words are crazy strong and powerful, but your head is up your ass. What you say can make or break your reputation, so before you say anything to anyone...stop. Drop. Roll if you feel like it. But think before you speak for sure.

Jan 8 — Mercury Rx in Capricorn trine Uranus Rx in Taurus

So, this is a continuation of what we saw earlier with the Uranus/Sun trine on the 5th. Again, it feels like really good stuff happening through the engine of kinda bad stuff. This transit is hyper stimulating, making you feel really ready to talk about what you have been low-level ‘creating’ in your head. Unlike the last few days, this may be a good time to start bringing that blueprint to the table. Choose the correct people to bounce these ideas off of, and you may find that they bring new angles to the situation that will help you refine it all. There is opportunity in the making….it just hasn’t distilled down quite yet. Keep thinking; you are almost there.

Jan 9 — Venus in Aquarius trine Mars Rx in Gemini

And here we go. It is a slow roll, y’all, but we will start to see momentum picking up. That internal planning will start to bear fruit starting today. Take the first step. Put something into play. This aspect is highly positive, confident, charming and witty. So if you need to bring someone around to your way of thinking today is the day to do it. Use your persuasion to start. You won’t hit the home run today, but you will make progress if you simply begin.

Go get ‘em, Tiger.

Jan 12 — Mars goes direct in Gemini

You’ll get another burst of action-oriented energy today. Use it wisely. Take that second step. Put something else into play. You have had since October to simmer in your plans, with extra simmering directed your way earlier this month. Now, that simmer can start to boil as you feel more ready to move forward in the realms of problem-solving, master-minding and multi-channel planning. This is execution energy, so I hope you have been using your simmer wisely.

Because it’s about to roll.

Jan 14 — Juno enters Aries

Moon in Libra opposition Jupiter/Chiron in Aries

I had a friend in college who used to refer to her marriage as a constant competition for “the dick”. As in a ‘who is wearing the dick here, asshole?” style of competition. That phrase has stuck with me ever since.

This shift of Juno into Aries shows up as a battle for the dick. In your relationships, you will find that you can feel more aggressive. You may need a greater control. You might really need to be in charge. This is a transition into dominance and it can go beyond your intimate relationships. To continue a theme, this is “big dick” energy.

Don’t burn the bridge, y’all. The dick isn’t necessarily worth the fire. Luckily (mayyybeeee?) Jupiter and Chiron are conjunct and opposing a Libra Moon on this same day. This brings a healthy amount of ball busting fuck it to the party, which I think can either help or hinder. That moon wants to reduce conflict at all costs, so this ‘fuck it’ can show up as a letting go of the fight to make peace. You might not like it, but you can respect it. Its pretty easy to let it go and move on. Or. OR.

It can light the whole bridge up with a rage of FUCK IT. You’ll not only burn the bridge, but maybe the town as well. This is a pretty volatile moment in time, so unless you really need this big dick energy to get you out of something, I don’t suggest leaning in. But if you have been stuck in a relationship situation that you can’t quite work your way out of….this is the day. Do it. Burn it all down and let the healing begin.

Jan 16 Moon in Scorpio conjunct South Node in Scorpio opposition Uranus Rx in Taurus

If you look at the month in a continuum, you can see this piece right here as facing the music of everything that has come before. This is the cleanup piece. The sorting through the ashes. The looking in the mirror.

If you burned that bridge, you get to sweep out the mess from your inner closet. You will have to face all the dancing skeletons and the shadows that they make. You’ll have to come to terms with why you did/do what you do. If you chose not to burn the bridge, the scenery will be slightly different, but the task will be the same. This aspect asks us to really get to know why we do what we do, and to be really honest with ourselves about it all. This phase of destruction is just about to wrap up, so the true time of building can begin.

But you have to be clear if you want to move forward correctly. Looking through the back of the soul closet won’t be fun, but it will be so, so, so healthy.

Jan 18 — Mercury goes direct in Capricorn

Sun in Capricorn conjunct Pluto in Capricorn

This is boss energy. This is the real dick energy. It is quiet, stable, focused, realistic and forward directed. Those plans you have been working towards are going to get a solid reality check right here. If you have done the good work, that reality check will come with a green light. If you have been kiting it all month, then this reality check will sting. The time has come to start real world building.

Make the power moves. Take the leadership role. Handle whatever needs to be done to take that final step. These next few days are prime time for work.

Jan 20-1 — Sun enters Aquarius

New Moon in Aquarius

Here comes that shift I mentioned at the head of the month. That relentless drive to get yourself squared away starts to slip some and becomes much more fluid and idealistic. We almost revert back into the dreaming phase of our planning, which can feel very strange given how hard we have been working to make it all come real. Its okay. This is the natural course of things. Work. Rest/Revise. Work again.

This rest/revise phase isn’t quite as soft as it sounds, just focused differently. You will feel the need to bring people in to support and surround you as you try to execute your Capricorn goals. You will want to try different methods and modes of bringing your reality into focus. Let it happen. Take the ride and roll with the flow. You have a good foundation now and it will only benefit from the fresh patterns.

This New Moon will allow you to re-enter the visionary phase of your manifestation process. So that which you have already built can benefit from some new dreaming. This is foundation laying, phase two. Sit with it and dream bigger, basing that dream off of the current reality. Get it? Explore what new horizons you can reach given the ground you have already earned. We build brick by brick and level by level; this new moon is you assessing the current level and visioning where you can go from here.

Jan 22 — Uranus goes direct in Taurus

Lunar New Year (Water Rabbit)

Finally, bitches, FINALLY! Uranus goes direct!

This signals the end of the suck and the beginning of a whole new brand of suck. Its a good suck, though. This starts a new phase that utterly deletes the old ways, and while that is extremely liberating, it can create a whole new set of difficulties. There will be resistance, count on it.

That slow crumble we have been feeling is complete and we just can’t go back now. The new ideas and new methods of operating in the world have fully taken root and are growing into the next evolution. There is no going back. Forward is the only option now. Get in on this and try not to long for the past.

Its gone.

Jan 23—Venus/ Moon/ Saturn conjunct in Aquarius

Listen to your gut. It has all the answers. This alignment tests you in this, asking you to hear your emotions clearly and to respect that they may know something that your head can’t quite get to. As corny as it sounds, lean into the feeling of love and trust that it is leading you to the correct next step. Your head is too busy and looking too far ahead to perceive the right now need that only your emotions can relay. Listen to your gut and send that info to your head to be used. Discount your intuition at your own peril.

Jan 25 — Sun in Aquarius trine Mars in Gemini

Feel that forward momentum yet? Lots of planets turning direct, lots of air energy lining up. Today, you can feel that proverbial breeze in your soul, making the day feel easy and light. Whatever you choose to direct your energy towards will come to you with little strain. It can feel like a windfall of luck and grace as that which you focus upon seems to simply work itself out.

Focus wisely.

Jan 26-- Moon/ Jupiter/ Juno/ Chiron conjunct in Aries (opposition Ceres in Libra)

People don’t use the phrase “ants in the pants” anymore. I think that’s a damn shame, don’t you?

This day is an ants in the pants day. You’re going to want something, but you won’t be able to put your finger on what it is. You’re going to want to go somewhere, but you aren’t really sure why. You may find yourself fidgety and restless, needing something, anything.

Don’t fight it. Don’t try to nail it down. You need expansion, connection, healing and love all at the same time, and I’m not sure it is actually a possible thing. The better course of action is to take care of yourself in a way that is not quantifiable to the matrix. Go for a run. Take a long hike. Lift lots of heavy weights until you are sweaty and tired. Then eat some donuts or some bacon and maybe get laid. It doesn’t have to make sense, or be for any reason other than you want to.

But movement is the key, folks. Move.

Jan 27 — Venus enters Pisces

I’m going to lean into the go get laid thing. But sweetly. This month has actually been a lot of a lot and it has had a really strong mental core. Today, the planet of love moves into the sign of connection. This softens everything and brings it back down into the body and into the heart. This isn’t a day for major decisions or action of any material kind. Sure, that energy is still there—as is the Aries energy that had you all antsy pantsy. But you desperately need to drop into the heart and take a break.

Orgasms are the answer, folks. Get back in touch with the soft you. Pun intended.