July Waning Moon Horoscopes by Sign

Aries--You’ll have your mind on your money and your money on your mind for the next couple of weeks. Simply going for the sake of going will taste somewhat sour to you, even as you long for the simplicity of it. But with your ruling planet camping out in Taurus and slowly making its way to a brief but torrid affaire with Uranus, you have some work to do around how you move through your money-making life. The structures you have been employing are no longer sound, so you may want to get ahead of that curve and start clearing out any habits that impede your new direction. Try not to let your emotions get the better of you around the 19th-21st when the moon comes into your house and throws a party with Jupiter /Chiron before heading over to cause a ruckus with Mars—it could get messier than you generally like. Hang tight, stay focused and don’t slip into old habits.

Taurus--You’ll feel compelled to take a good long look at how you are managing yourself and your household over the next few weeks, starting with how you communicate your needs. Your ruling planet is in Gemini right now, bumping up hard against a particularly challenging Sedna/ Neptune in Pisces. Some of the ways you have been fooling yourself will come unpleasantly clear, as will any relationships where you may continually get the dirty end of the stick. This awareness won’t feel particularly good, even as you recognize how empowering the knowledge can be. When she moves in Cancer on the 18th, you can start to see how you inherited behaviours from your family that are not beneficial contributors to your path moving forward; you can also see what you can do about fixing that. You will have a lot of powerful energy to do that work, once Vesta and Hygiea form a water trine with Venus on the 19th. This trine stays put almost to the New Moon, making it a great time to get this cleared up once and for all.

Gemini--Expect a couple of tough days around the 16th & 17th when Mercury conjuncts both the Sun and Ceres in Cancer. This whole conjunction butts heads with a stiff and sticky Pluto, so you may find that you are quickly shuffling and juggling and reorganizing a few too many things. Your family and your work will be going head to head in your head as you sort priorities and try to get a handle on the long game. Be sure to take your loved one’s feelings into account as you mastermind your next moves and communicate well, lest you find a mutiny on your hands. This could take the form of a really nasty reality check that asks you to go back and look again at how you are processing your decisions; remember that this is actually a very good thing that is designed to get you out of your tunnel vision and back on track with your more holistic life. Just hang tight until the 21st, when Mercury moves into Leo and breaks away from that thick conjunction. Leo season puts a lot of speed on whatever it is that you’re working on, and with Jupiter in Aries trining the whole shebang, you are a full Go.

Cancer--With Mercury, the Sun and Ceres in conjunction holding anchor point of a massive grand water trine with a Scorpio South Node and a conjunction of Neptune, Sedna and Juno….just….Jaysus. Talk about a powerful vibration echoing through your house. Themes of betrayal, illusion, self-sacrifice and bad habits will absolutely be leaking out from under the door of your proverbial closet. Good news is that the Moon is in a more detached place, so you are able to get above the whole thing and observe it, rather than being trapped in the muck of it. Don’t get me wrong, once you land eyes on the situation and see what needs to be seen, you will have a couple days of processing it through the emotions and through the spirit—that’s just how you roll. But you won’t get lost in it and it won’t eat you whole, get me? By the time we move into Leo season around the 23rd, you are ready to move on it and simply move on. So let yourself flow with the energy of your ruling planet as it wanes, learning and letting go. A day or so before the Moon falls New, spend some time at home and on yourself. You deserve it.

Leo--Wait for it…..wait for it….and….GO! You’ll have a few slower days after the full moon when you can sit in the pocket and dust off any last things that need your attention. Proverbially and literally. Get those ducks in a row, straighten their feathers and maybe trim their toe nails. There is a quieter energy for you while the Sun does its work in Cancer with that big ass trine. It is actually easier for you than the water signs to use this big energy; your energy is already big energy. Set your intentions and your eyes on your personal North Star and let the Universe do its work. So until Mercury hits Leo on the 20th, you are just simmering. Take the time to manage whatever you need to because once we see the Sun join Mercury in Leo on the 23rd pretty much everything loosens up for you and picks up speed. It will be easy for you to lift everyone up, and to create creative opportunities. Just make sure that you keep an eye on the personal details, right? Don’t get so excited by the movement in that big picture that you neglect to take care of yourself. You will be Super Leo for almost a week leading up to the New Moon, and once that Moon lands, trining an Aries Jupiter, you pick up even more momentum. Dust off those running shoes, y’all.

Virgo--I want you to set your eyes to Leo season and keep them there. Once your ruling planet slips in Leo on the 20th, we see some things ease up for you. Yes, you still do have some challenging things to observe, dismantle and correct, but that work will feel less emotional and less bombastic. On some level, you will hit the ‘fuck it’ realm and just get up and get on with whatever it is. You’ll care, but you just won’t fucking care and that in and of itself will be an interesting transition for you. This is an opportunity for you to get more philosophical about things, and not worry so much about the nitty gritty details—mostly because you won’t really be able to put your finger on those details. You can let that make you insane and drag you down into the mud, or you can shrug, chalk it up to life, and look forward to other things. The task for you as you approach this New Moon is to release your gaze from your navel and to look at the big picture from an outsiders perspective. Get above it, don’t tunnel into it. That’s very different from how you naturally operate, so give it a whirl and don’t be stubborn about it. Lighten up.

Libra--Its a good time to slip into your head and think about what you have been doing to fill up your free time. With your ruling planet starting off this cycle in fun-loving Gemini, you may have been focusing on getting back out there and being the social butterfly you are so known to be. But there is an interesting aspect lining up for you that asks you to take a look at these social engagements and to start weighing them against the value of your time. Are you neglecting things you ought to be handling? Are you ignoring structures that you yourself had set in place for your highest good? Perhaps you are simply over committed and need to take a good long revisit of what you consider important. Around the 18th, there is a natural cool down process for you that allows you to be at home enough to tackle these questions from a quiet, comfortable space. You really do need to pay attention to your daily physical routines so that you can continue to enjoy that Libran independent spirit in good heath. You’re out of balance somewhere. Find it before it finds you.

Scorpio--I feel like you need to hear that you aren’t being fucked over. I don’t know by whom, or around what circumstance, but you need to hear that you aren’t being fucked over. Now, whatever that situation may be might truly be fucked. But that doesn’t mean that you are fucked. Or that the fuckery is personal to you at all. I know it feels that way, but your radar is off and your sensors are throwing false images. Y’all are so good at ferreting out secrets and intentions. But this heightened ability can have you seeing plots and conspiracies where there are none. Right now, you cannot trust your Spidey-senses and it would be best to stand down for the next week or so. It will start to feel a little bit lighter around the 20th, and then lighter again around the 26th. You are going to have to be extra diligent about taking the step back before digging in your feet and raising that stinger during this time. You have a wave of stubbornness on the 22nd that pushes you right to the edge of your ability to let anything go; there is a distinct possibility of starting a fight when you are not in the right. By the time the Moon is nearly New, this harshness has subsided to a mere simmer that is much easier to manage. So check yourself before you wreck yourself, yeah?

Sagittarius--For a couple of days coming up, it looks like you have front row seats to someone’s meltdown. It affects you, but not enough for you to abandon said seats, or to put down your popcorn and join the fray. There is something for you to see, and something for you to learn, but there isn’t much you can do about any of it so you can honestly just kick back and watch the dumpster burn. It doesn’t last forever, so if you can manage to maintain your sense of humour and keep a philosophical attitude about the whole thing, you just might be able to use that information to move on in a healthy way. It isn’t really until the 19th that you have any true movement, and this movement is wholly done within. It feels like you resolve something in your heart that helps not only get a greater understanding of yourself but also to heal. Once we move into Leo season on the 23rd, you find that everything gets easier and starts to move in the way that you want; just avoid re-engaging when whatever that mess was earlier aftershocks back into your life. Don’t look back and don’t answer that call. Once the New Moon hits, you are cooking with gas so why drag anything old with you?

Capricorn--Are you having fun yet? Have your recent decisions panned out the way you wanted? Or have your best laid plans somewhat blown up in your face? Not that you would admit it if that were the case….but look. In some way, you are like not okay. There has been t his extended period of time where you have felt stranded between your comfort zone and what you know needs to be done in order to move forward. Any decisions or plans that you have made in this quasi-static place have not really turned out the way you though that they should and that is translating for you into a self-questioning and self-doubt. That is actually a good thing for you, and will allow you to take a good long look not only at the decisions that you make, but the underlying root reasons why you make these decisions. You have a very distinct pattern, and it is this pattern that is being called up for evaluation. So don’t fall into the trap of blaming the decision. Blame the pattern. This retrograde time will give you that opportunity to dive in and reflect. Use it.

Aquarius--I’d like for you to take yourself out this weekend. Call your friends and go do something that you have always loved to do but haven’t been able to get around to for a while. I don’t care how old fashioned it may be, or how silly it may seem to whomever. Get out there with your people and do you to the fullest extent that is possible. You have a few days at the beginning of this cycle that are super friendly to your sign so while you can, while the getting is good, go out there and be in your community. Around the 18/19th there is just a huge amount of energy flying around, but it doesn’t feel like it impacts you directly. You should, however, be prepared to see a whole lot of it affecting those around you. If you get to the point when you think that everyone has gone and lost they damn minds, you are right. There isn’t anything you can do about it, so just be a good friend and wait it out. When it does get personal around the 22nd, you will want to slow down, disengage and dive into things that make you feel comfortable. Get centered and try not to be the asshole. It could happen, so stay light.

Pisces--Your house is holding one angle of a fat water tine that is resonating through a couple of intense conjunctions. The piece that you are holding has to do with reality checks, old betrayals, and unfair compromises. You might find that this conjunction leaves you holding the dirty end of these sticks and getting completely fucked. OR. You may find that this conjunction gives you the power to spot these themes coming at you with enough time for you to go aw hell naw and neatly step to the side before they hit. How this plays out truly depends on how well you know who you are and what your shit is. This intensity gets thicker around the 17th when the moon joins the party and asks you to feel into how you have contributed to your current situation by playing into your worst comfort zone habits. Good times, right? Luckily, you will find some relief once we are fully into Leo season and that conjunction breaks up some, allowing you to handle one thing at a time. Hang tight. You’re almost there.