August Forecast 2022

So look. Most of us are aware that good and bad generally travel hand in hand; it is seriously just a fact of life. Last month was rough in its own way with lots of fits and starts and some energy that felt very dense. There were bright spots, right? The good to counteract the bad. With energy that dense, it can become all to easy to get stuck in that heaviness, believing that this is our new normal. It isn’t. Not at all.

But neither are we headed into a bright sunny patch of roses and kittens. August illustrates the phrase “good news or bad news?” with bright spots of ease, motion and relief contrasted with sticky thorns of frustration, miscommunication and a bad case of spiritual chub rub. This happens on the same day at the same time and is often stretched out for a few days. How we roll with that is truly up in the air and completely subject to where you have your own pressure points.

Everybody will feel that push pull and is managing it in their own way. If that conflicts with your way, you cannot take their process personally. You can only be responsible for you and what you are sending out into the collective.

That should really hit home for you this month with August’s BIG retrograde energy. All of the outer planets and many key asteroids are traveling backwards by the end of the month. This could be very helpful when dealing with all of the inner planets push-pull if we can stay self-aware enough to not lash out or take things personally. That collective retreat to self gives everyone a minute to take a breath and not simply react when the hard time drops. Remember that. Repeat it to yourself. Take that minute when you are triggered. Use your discernment and assess what is really happening here.

We are all trying to get moving in the right direction. It isn’t easy for anyone. Unfortunately, this slow collective energy will impact the hasty personal energy. Do the best you can to be adept and navigate where you can when you can. You won’t be able to bully your way through it, so your only hope is to use it. Flow with the current when it is moving, sit on the shore when it is not. To do anything else is to twist yourself up into knots that aren’t easily undone.

August is hot, y’all. In every way possible. Try to think of this as a good thing, a growth spurt that you have been waiting for for a long time. Growing pains never killed anyone, right?

Aug 1 — Mars in Taurus conjunct Uranus in Taurus trine waning Moon in Virgo

This conjunction has been hanging around and will hang around for a good chunk of time. It is this very steady warrior energy that wants to both blow shit up but understands at a core level the calculations and specificity that comes with planning to blow something up. Yes, there will be explosions, but the odds of them being uncontrolled or even violent are slim. This is the culmination of a long battle to be free yourself of binds that do not serve you. This is the calculated strike that sets you onto a path of independence.

The struggle will be your emotional need to see everything go just so. This is energy that you can actually work with, setting up that strike in the same way that a demolition crew wires a city building. This is the energy you are looking for. Make those changes knowing that they will be big ones, and in the process, something huge will fall. But you can set it up so that the pieces land meticulously where they can be recovered for later use. Don’t lose your shit and your shit won’t be lost.

Aug 2 — Jupiter Rx in Aries opposition waning Moon in Virgo

Moon in Virgo opposition Neptune Rx in Pisces

Did you not hear me? Don’t lose your shit and your shit won’t be lost. You need to take the time it takes to plan carefully everything that you want to see happen in your coming months. The ferocious growth and urge to move is strong when Jupiter is in Aries, but with the retrograde you will be given that extra moment to actually sit down and plan how that growth is going to go down. A Virgo Moon lends just the right amount of energy to this mix, casting a gimlet eye on the plan and making sure that it is detailed down to the minute.

Does this make big Jupiter nuts? You betcha. Does this make Neptune Rx in Pisces cry with tedium? Hells to the yes. Should you care? Fuck no. Plan it, y’all. Plan it out to the detail and know that it is only this planning that lets you activate the growth of Jupiter and the vision of Neptune. It is the planning that creates success.

Aug 3 — Mercury in Leo opposition Saturn Rx in Aquarius

Mercury in Leo opposition Vesta in Pisces

You will want to be certain here that your mouth isn’t writing cheques that your ass can’t cash. This Leo Mercury talks a great game and has every honest intention of following through. However, some of that larger, collective energy is in the way. Your visions are large—maybe too large at the moment given the collective state. Don’t give them up, but do make them more practical and more structured. Additionally, don’t make promises around these visions that might ask you to carry more water than your fair share. It is very important to know what you are capable of actually doing—and when you cross a boundary that compromises your personal boundaries.

Think before you speak here and in just a few days this won’t even be a problem.

Aug 5—Mercury in Virgo

When Mercury slips into its second ruling sign, you will feel the detail in every conversation. So where just a few days ago you were willing to commit to something grand and, well, vague, you will now see exactly how you can make all those dreams actually happen in a way that is absolutely feasible. Now is the time to have those conversations that require both details and boundaries.

Aug 6—Moon in Scorpio trine Sedna Rx, Neptune Rx in Pisces trine Venus is Cancer

Here are your magic words this day when feeling frustrated by others: Am I the asshole here? Odds are the answer is yes. You will have to be super careful of assigning motive to others, or casting yourself into the role of martyr. We are entering one of those thorny, chub rub stretches of the month where you will need to resist taking things personally. Your vision is not clear here, you are operating on intuition that is all kinds of tied up in your personal history of wounding.

You can absolutely clear this up once and for all. Get in touch with your inner mama goddess (even if you are a dude, yo!) and feel how you can nurture yourself in the way that is most authentic to who you are and what you need in order to feel supported, heard and loved. Where do you compromise this and why? Is that compromise healthy or is it not? Only you know these answers, and only you can truly love yourself the way the goddess does. If you are not operating out of this loving place….well….are you the asshole here?

MMMhm. Maybeee.

Aug 07-9 — Venus in Cancer trine Neptune Rx in Pisces

Venus in Cancer opposition Pluto in Capricorn

Mars in Taurus square Saturn in Aquarius

There is an interesting dynamic these next few days as you confront your dream space and try to land it in your functional space. A lot of what you have been working on in the astral plane is about to take a realty check hit to the face. In a good way.

You will have to be very clear on what you expect that reality to be, and to do. Your vision right now is not very earthy, and that makes it somewhat hard to land things in this earth plane. You may feel like the world is working against you, or that the Matrix has a personal vendetta against your success. Trying to get things done will be somewhat like swimming through a river of wet concrete.

So….don’t. Keep your council to yourself and do not attempt to push through. If something gets absurdly hard for no discernible reason, walk away. Put it down and get back to it in a few days. This will prevent you from triggering that additional challenge here, which is a real risk of shooting yourself in the foot by giving vent to emotions and thoughts that feel real now, but will ultimately prove to be transient.

Give fuel to nobody and keep your shit to yourself. If you don’t, you risk creating a wildfire that will come back and burn only you.

Aug 11-12 — Full moon in Aquarius

Venus enters Leo

Sun in Leo square Uranus/Mars/ North Node Rx in Taurus

Moon in Aquarius conjunct Saturn Rx in Aquarius square Uranus/ Mars/ North Node Rx

Sun in Leo opposition Moon/ Saturn Rx in Aquarius

You will need to compartmentalize your life for the next few days and take the good where it is good and the hard where it is hard and not mix the two. I say this because what is good is very, very good. And what is bad is awful. You cannot mix the two, or you risk ruining the opportunity that the good brings. Keep your eyes open and stay very aware of what is coming from which direction.

The full moon in Aquarius is a time of leaving old, toxic groups behind and moving on to greener pastures. This can feel extremely liberating, but it can also bring with it a touch of sad. Try not to get too caught up in that feeling and allow yourself to take the philosophical view. Everything moves in cycles, and this is just the culmination and completion of a friend/ community cycle that has run its course.

Luckily, on this same day (the 11th) Venus moves into Leo which makes expressing your truth easier and bolder. Love is easier, brighter and more fun. It is a visceral presence in your life that should help you to really feel the positivity inherent in making loving changes to your love lives. Friends, partners, family---everyone that you love will benefit from you making healthier choices around love and who you choose to love. There is so much light in these areas of your life, and all of it is good.

There is, however, something unpredictable and unexpected in the hopper that will knock this warm fuzzy into the shitter. Something fundamental in your life—work, business, property—is going to change. This change has the potential to knock you off your feet and turn your compass all around. You literally will not know which way is your true north. Remember that you are not supposed to, nor are you supposed to do anything about it.

Move slowly when this change comes knocking. It is merely a concept at this point and probably will not manifest in the way that you dread it will. However, this insecurity that it brings is for real and it can have you feeling utterly paralyzed even as you are deeply driven to move very fast away from whatever sucks and completely overhaul everything. Maybe don’t do that. Maybe refer back to your August 1st demolition plan and see where you could pivot into the change that is rearing its head.

Tread carefully and move slowly here—if you move at all. Sometimes doing nothing is the best action to take.

Aug 15—Moon in Aries conjunct Jupiter Rx in Aries trine Venus in Leo

You’ll feel like you aren’t getting anywhere for a while and this can manifest in a frustrated urge to just do something, anything, regardless of whether or not its been thought through. When you get here, give yourself permission to stop trying to do “something” and then go out and do “anything” that gets you moving. Literally. Go skating at an old school roller rink. Hit the lake and rent a jet ski. Strap on your sneakers and take a run through the park. Swim. Dance. Yoga. The secret to overcoming the anxiety push is to actually get physical.

But make it fun. Doing so snaps that mental loop of nervous energy and transmutes it into solid energy that can be stored and used later.

Aug 19—Moon in Taurus conjunct Uranus/ Mars in Taurus

Oh you’re feeling it now. You can actually feel the change coming down into the earth realm. It may be somewhat uncomfortable as you rearrange your structure to suit it, but you will have all the tools you need to focus and manifest what you have been working on to create solid changes for your future.

Aug 21 — Mars enters Gemini

Mercury in Virgo opposition Neptune in Pisces

Vesta retrograde enters Aquarius

This day marks a break in the energy of the month and somewhat tunes you up for Virgo season. You have already had a taste of it with Mercury moving into Virgo earlier in the month, but some of the push pull/ good news bad news shit dissipates. Mars moves into Gemini, so that deep seated tenseness loosens up and the urge to blow things up fades into a desire to work smarter not harder when it comes to implementing your actions.

Having said that, this is a slow, long-term change that you will ride out for the rest of the year, which is why it is wise to have written down your plan of destruction/construction earlier in the month. You won’t be as focused in your drive and will feel far, far less “serious” or “driven”. But right now this shift feels like a deep breath, a letting go of some tension that had run its course.

As this relaxing is happening, you will be tasked to re-examine where your dreams may have been pushed in a direction that isn’t quite right. You may have felt a need when Mars was in Taurus that you no longer feel quite as acutely once Mars slips into Gemini. Furthermore, that Rx Neptune is hitting up a Virgo Mercury, asking you to check those dreams against the reality of how you can make it happen. There is something here that is out of alignment, and you have today to check your compass and make sure that those dreams—those changes—you were driven to make earlier in the month are still authentic.

This is not the time to make any decisions, but rather to put things on the scale and weigh in. Think about balancing things appropriately for you, your family, your business and your community in a fashion that honours the reality of change.

It happens.

Aug 22 — Sun enters Virgo

From fire to earth, we feel a little quieter as the summer comes to an end. For the next four weeks, the energy will be sensible, organized, and a little tight as we pour over every detail. This is great energy to use to set yourself up for what comes next. Be thoughtful and take your time.

Aug 24-26 — Uranus station to Rx in Taurus

Moon in Leo conjunct Ceres/Venus in Leo square North Node Rx conjunct Uranus Rx/ South Node Rx

That theme continues as Uranus stations and turns retrograde. So the rethinking you were asked to do with Mars compounds here. During this five-month retrograde, you will have plenty of opportunities to face your reality and get rid of what isn’t correct for you. This is a continuation of the systematic destruction that you began at the head of the month.

Be brave. Be bold in asking for what you want and demanding what you are worth. Those old ways of karma are asking to be resolved simply by knowing what they are, how you enable them and then by making very simple, honest and earthy changes to your habits that will allow them to go on about their way.

This is a big clearing. Let it go.

Aug 26 — Mercury enters Libra

Sun in Virgo square Mars in Gemini

Venus in Leo opposition Saturn in Aquarius

As the month wraps up, you are given a very visceral feeling of what it means to know that the detail work is done and to let it start. We all have to come to a point where we stop tinkering and let our work do the work. This is as it was intended, but sometimes we forget and try to continue to organize everything that is already organized out of habit or fear. Mercury in Libra is this chance for you to let go of the reins and to allow trust, balance and faith to flow.

In Libra, Mercury has a smooth communication style that shies away from conflict. You may feel like glossing over things that suck, letting important decisions sit in the pot, and focusing on what feels good. You’ll need this diplomatic skill set, and should lean in if at all possible. Think win win.

There is some mild conflict in the air today, when that earthy Sun hits that airy Mars. You will want two things at the same time and neither of these things wants to be part of a pair; it will be hard to express exactly how this feels or what you want. This has the potential to create a frustrating, nervous energy that serves no one and nothing. Left to fester, it can create a bitter sense of being unheard or unseen.

You need to catch that bitch by the toe and stop. Go Libra and honestly just put that aside. Its ugly; let it go. It helps no one; walk away. Put your eyes to the skies and think of something else, honestly.

Or go get a nice glass of wine and some retail therapy—also Libra modes of coping. Whatever wroks, just don’t get caught up in your own bullshit.

Aug 27 — New moon in Virgo

Ok. So you have run a pretty interesting course this month, a lot of which has asked you to sort out your illusions from your reality. It has also forced you to make some navigation changes towards a foundation that is most authentic with who you are, how you work, and what you want for your life. This New Moon is the perfect time to codify that and set it into your matrix to grow as fact this coming lunar cycle. The devil is in the details when it comes to Virgo Moon, so work with that energy just for tonight to improve your life and set it on the course. No need to be obsessive, write some flexibility in there and some room for pivots. But if you have been paying attention this month, the work here has already been done. Now all you have to do is plant the seed.