January Astrology 2024

January 1 — Moon in Virgo trine Uranus Rx in Taurus

Mercury goes direct in Sagittarius

This isn’t resolution energy, but it definitely is, “thank god that’s over, what do I really want going forward” energy. Its the last page of a book and closing the cover energy. Its pick up a new book in a new genre energy. This is not the time to start, but it is the time to think.

Going forward, from this day right here, what do you want to learn? Where do you want to go and see? What are you never ever ever going to do again? Highlight these answers, write them down, tack them on the fridge. They aren’t resolutions, per se, but rather guide posts and guard rails to keep you heading into the new with fresh hope.

January 3—Hygiea enters Pisces

This transition asks you to view your health through a spiritual lens, finding the connection between your physical ease and your spiritual connection. That isn’t to say that all your illness can be cured through God, but rather that your baseline, everyday robust health is deeply affected by your sense of spirit. So get in touch. Attend to your sleep. Meditate. Find like-minded groups and practice. Instead of dieting, eat in ways that are gentle to your soul. Let your health, and your fitness, be attuned to the true nature of your body and not something you have to wrestle to meet cultural norms.

January 5 — Mars enters Capricorn

Mars sextile Hygiea in Pisces and Moon in Scorpio

Mars feels completely comfortable in Capricorn because this energetic planet is driven to succeed, just as Capricorn is all about working hard and achieving goals to get ahead. In fact, Mars' energies flow so powerfully and easily in Capricorn that astrologers say it is "exalted" in this sign. This period, then, is excellent for taking on big tasks and seeing them all the way through to the finish.

This powerful Mars’ connection to the water signs through Hygiea and the Moon indicates that your approach to this needs to stay gentle and attuned to your spirit and your emotion. This is not the time to push through relentlessly, but rather to temper that push with connection and authenticity to all of your moving parts. If it doesn’t feel right, it isn’t right for you. So if that is a new routine, a new diet, a new practice that you have resolved to do, you have to take a second look. Your best success comes through your spirit, not your mind.

Or your resolve. Work hard, but listen, listen.

January 7—Moon/Pallas in Scorpio trine Neptune in Pisces

Sun in Capricorn square Chiron in Aries and South Node in Libra

Your ability to problem solve is deeply connected to your intuition and not necessarily your mind. There is a great depth here, and an ability to hear things that are outside of cultural, collective wisdom. You must follow your own drum, especially when it comes to how you are healing yourself.

The conventional will tell you that you have to work hard, make sacrifices and bend to the group wisdom. But you have to know that this is very old thinking and counter to the innate wisdom that you have within. You know what you need, and you just need the space to be able to bring that forth. So take this day to hear what you want for yourself and how you think you should go about making it happen.

You absolutely have the strength to get there. But you can’t let yourself be swayed by what others tell you is “right”. Bounce all of that against your heart and your intuition and you will know what to do. Just make sure it is right for you.

January 9—Venus/Moon/Ceres/Mercury in Sagittarius trine Chiron/North Node in Aries

North Node in Aries is all about learning how to express independence and boldness, even when it feels like you are faking it. It asks you to take that challenge. Try it out. Do new things that are highly functional for YOUR healing, even if your actions go against what society tells you to do. Do what you actually want to do rather than asking the opinions of others. Don’t join things or programs that seem like what you should do, but rather take on the role of self-teacher and self-healer.

It may be hard for you to get there, but you can do it. And with all the Sagittarius energy of your heart and your mind lining up to make this happen, I know you can do it all. This is a really bold day to set yourself up for highly personal success. It is time to know what your authentic inner truth is, developing your personal north star so that you never again get lost in the perpetual algorithm that always has something for you to be.

The core of you knows who you are and what you want. Root it and make it grow.

January 11 — New moon in Capricorn conjunct Sun in Capricorn

Sun in Capricorn conjunct Pluto in Capricorn

Yeah, this is a big one. The alignment of Sun and Moon gives a lot of juice to these Capricorn energies. The New Moon orientation, however, in alignment with Pluto shines the light very differently that one might think.

On the surface, Capricorn is a great space to detach yourself from your more messy emotions and fears. It is a determined space where you can map out what you want to achieve and how you want the end goal to manifest. So, yes. Do that. But also know that this light is going to be most intense in your personal underworld, so the thought that you can just manifest away with a vision board and a ritual isn’t going to turn out how you want it to.

What will be most successful is if you focus on all of the things that get in your way. Pluto clears out the debris, bring death to things that no longer serve. The New Moon allows us to get into our darkness and seed ideas and wishes in the depth of the fertile, dark earth of being. The Sun here is showing you the earthly possibilities, but those possibilities cannot come to light until your heart (the Moon) is clear. That’s the work here.

If you know what you want and you know where you want to end up, the work tonight is to dig down and root out all the things in your heart that could keep you from getting there. Old fear, old attachments, old beliefs, all of them must die and be composted so that you can have fresh soil to grow your new path.

Will it be fun? Probably not. Pluto never is. But Pluto is getting ready to make a BIG move forward, so it truly behooves you to get on this particular bus right now and do the work before the work does you.

January 12 — Juno goes retrograde in Virgo

Look, Juno puts up with a lot of shit. Her nature is to facilitate commitment and long term romantic relationships, even to the point of sacrifice. This is a place where we experience the tolerance these types of commitments require to thrive.

However, she will be retrograde for the next few weeks traveling backwards through the sign of Virgo. This brings out all of the worst characteristics of the sign and regresses relationships to the most frustrating denominator. When you experience the strong urge to pick apart relationships or rule out potential partners due to superficial flaws, take a step back and check yourself. Are you being realistic in your expectations? Or are you operating out of a perfection paradigm? Let go of your controlling ideals and be more generous with your people.

Nobody is perfect. Not even you.

January 14 — Mercury enters Capricorn

This transition of Mercury lands much of the energy that was unearthed during the New Moon. This lets you get more serious about your goals and the work that it will take to achieve them. Your mind will have more focus on how to get it all done, and will also be able to ferret out places where you may have been operating from unchecked idealism. Going forward, for the next three weeks, you will be able to see all the places you delude yourself, make excuses, or miss the mark. The good news is that you won’t have much emotion around these realizations. They are just information to be used to get you to the goal.

Let that determination rule.

January 15-17—Venus/Ceres in Sagittarius opposition Vesta in Gemini

Mercury in Capricorn opposition Sedna in Cancer

Moon/Chiron in Aries opposition South Node in Libra

This Mercury/Sedna conflict has been humming along in the background for most of the month, but it doesn’t really get a lot of juice until Ceres and Venus show up to the party with Vesta. And when the Moon and Chiron roll in the fire a lot shows up to think about.

What we are seeing here is the point when what you want to do starts to conflict with what you have to do. A lot of that will revolve around family and expectations, or commitments you made to others before you got to where you are now. You may find that something that felt so important to be a part of no longer fits in with what you have learned about who you are becoming. You want to heal it all, clear it all, ditch the problem and move the fuck on. It feels hard to let go, however, and some piece you know senses that letting go completely isn’t the answer. But that middle ground is elusive as of yet.

You have to be careful to avoid resentment, or a sense of betraying the path you now tread. That isn’t the case; things are just in that place of adjustment. Try to figure out how the new path can be walked with the old commitments in your pocket. This isn’t the time to cut ties or cords or to throw loved ones out of your life. Despite the strong feeling here, you aren’t seeing everything clearly and all of the necessary information has not yet landed.

Bide your time and take a breath. But don’t forget.

January 19 — Mercury/Mars in Capricorn trine Jupiter/Moon/Uranus in Taurus

This is unstoppable energy. If you set your mind to it, you can get it done, making today an amazing day to tackle all things related to career, business, and finance. Use this energy to make plans for the future while you’re able to not only see the big picture, but can easily push your way through it.

Do it now. Seriously. DO IT NOW. Because Capricorn is about to get bitch slapped into last year and your whole focus is going to shift.

January 20-21 —Sun in Capricorn conjunct Pluto in Capricorn

Sun enters Aquarius/ Pluto enters Aquarius

Sun in Aquarius conjunct Pluto in Aquarius

The sun conjuncts Pluto in Capricorn and they transition signs into Aquarius together. That’s a helluva thing.

Pluto has been in Capricorn since January 25th, 2008 and since then has systematically rolled through structures and institutions like a wrecking ball. Anything that needed to change for the greater good was tackled by this alignment, making for one hell of a bumpy ride. We have one last day for this energy to burn through whatever is left, both personally and collectively, and that process is given a final boost by a conjunction to the Sun. So buckle up. Look it in the eye and handle it, whatever that may be. Remember, everything works out in the end. And if it hasn’t worked out, it isn’t the end.

Once the Sun moves into Aquarius, the personal focus shifts into a much more forward directed trajectory. There will be less interest in looking within or clearing out. The drive to set goals and achieve will both soften and broaden at the same time. Capricorn is ferociously dictatorial; it does. Aquarius is ferociously innovative; it thinks. So the process of getting where we need to go is markedly different.

In your personal life, this shows up as ‘in with the new’, making you really ready to embrace new possibilities. In your collective life, this shows up as a drive to forge new community and make new connections. You’ll be very interested in finding new ways of doing things, and new people to do them with.

The shift of Pluto from Capricorn to Aquarius is the change we have all been waiting for. In whatever aspect of your life, both personal and public, the change you have been seeking is arrived. This is the most important transit of the decade, so take a hot minute and sit with it. All of that shit that has gone on since 2008 is over. The dumpster fire we have all been looking at with utter confusion is done. This is the push to clear all of that out and move the fuck on. Collectively, personally, we are here to get over it, use it and move everything forward again.

The keywords for Aquarius are innovation, community, technology, justice and connection. So if you have been wallowing in what feels like the death of the human spirit, take heart. We were just cleaning house. We were just killing structures that were killing us. The revolution of the new is dawning, and we have 19 years of this to get our collective shit together, participate in the evolution and progress.

Will it be easy? No. But its happening, so get on the bus and lets do this.

January 23 — Venus enters Capricorn

As a representative of how we receive love, distribute resource and service our comfort, Venus speaks in many ways to how we want to experience fulfilled, contented security. She is very earthy, and is often expressed best when in earth signs. Today, Venus shifts from the fire of ideas and into the earth of Capricorn, which allows you to outline some structure to meet all of these security and fulfillment needs. It is a very focused alignment, and one that helps you to knuckle down and finally get to work.

One thing to remember is that of all the earth signs Capricorn is the most fixed. It doesn’t budge. It doesn’t swing with the flow; it knows what it wants and that is how it has to be. So you won’t be feeling magnanimous when someone tries to get in your way, or mansplain your goals back to you. And if, heaven forbid, that person is a love partner, you will be even less patient. Don’t forget that Retrograde Juno in Virgo (another earth sign) which will double down on any frustration with those in your commitment circle who try to tell you how to do you.

January 25 — Full moon in Leo

The heart wants what the heart wants. And while this is not always a good thing, and here it can be a dangerous thing, this Full Moon is one that you have to grab onto and work.

So much of the energy of this month is very clear, very clearing, and very honest. It is about ditching the illusion and the bullshit so that you know exactly what it is that you want. That’s hard for everybody all the time. We think we know and then we do things that go in the opposite direction. The prevailing winds of January take all that out of the equation and we really do know what we want. And it also gives us the energy to do it. Until we get here.

The heart wants what the heart wants. And in this case, it may want things that aren’t real. Or aren’t aligned. Or are left overs. So while I love me a good full moon—especially a Leo one—this particular moment is one to be cautious of. Let the heart speak, hear it and heed it. But also know when that wanting is counter productive to where you are going. The heart is a great guide, but it needs the head in order to fully arrive in the correct spot.

So for this one night, take your ego out of the math. Put your heart in a time out and hear what is your truth. Step aside and take a break from driving out into the wilds of your desires. Maybe just rest, listen and let go.

January 27 — Uranus goes direct in Taurus

Uranus in Taurus trine Mercury conjunct Mars in Capricorn

Uranus in Taurus has been working us collectively for years, asking everyone to look at their foundations, test their desires, build true self-sufficiency and come to a deep understanding of self. At its heart is a question about whether what you want/ what you do is authentic to you or a result of cultural programming that you have received. This whole period of time—as challenging as it has been—was a window through which we can escape all of the walls that the culture has built. It was literally designed to blow you off the rails so that you can get free. The invitation was to liberate yourself from stagnation and conformity, so that your fear of possibility stops preventing you for discovering your most unique skills and talents.

The past retrograde period has been one where all of these themes turn inward so that you can see where you have been trading your soul for material/cultural acceptance. The movement direct is to take that wisdom out into your world to try something new and right for you. Fuck the algorithm. Express yourself freely and give air to the places of you that you have shoved into boxes. This movement direct is a space for you to break free—finally--from all systems of conformity and perceptions of judgment that have been keeping you small.

It is time to move on. With extreme momentum. The addition of Mercury and Mars in Capricorn to this energy gives you clear sight and clear drive to get exactly where you want to be. This is ask for forgiveness not permission energy.

January 29-30 — Moon in Virgo/Juno Rx in Virgo opposition Neptune in Pisces

Do you know those times when you legit have to ask if you were the asshole? This is one of them. You are the asshole. Know that when you feel like throwing down, and maybe step back to re-assess before letting loose.

Both the Moon and Juno in Virgo have nit picky, critical, and obsessive qualities that can get carried away when one feels insecure. Virgo wants clarity in order to be able to function well. This is why it turns to criticism when it feels insecure; if one can create order, there is clarity. And where there is clarity, there is security. Neptune in Pisces is not a clear, nor secure, space. It creates a sense of knowing something that you can’t quite put your finger on. It has no structure and leans into intuition rather than clarity or order. So when these two systems come up against one another they chafe. In a bad way.

Given that these two planets in Virgo deal with love and the heart, this is not a great day for your relationship. You may feel suspicious. You may think you know something that is not at all real. And you may react to that knowing in ways that are downright fussy on the way to mean. Take a step back. Take a breath. Count to three. Wait for more information before letting your tongue get the better of the situation.