March Astrology

March 1-23 Grand Earth trine Ceres in Capricorn/ Juno Rx in Virgo/ Jupiter in Taurus

The first thing I’m going to say about this month is that you should prepare yourself to put the rubber to the road. We have been in a long series of stalls and pauses, places where we are asked to sit still and truly evaluate where we are and where we want to be. But if you have been trying to implement these changes and felt stalled out or stuck as hell, please know that it wasn’t you, but rather the timeline.

It just wasn’t time.

Now, we begin to see the timeline shift into a time of action. It is quite stable and quite pedantic. One step leads logically to the next step, and once you start stepping, that old sense of directional confusion vanishes. This is a pervasive theme all month long, one that is supported by this earth trine that stays steady and stable throughout most of the month.

Ceres in Capricorn is asking you to make concrete decisions about what best and most practically supports and nurtures you. These are questions that relate to self-care, care of others and real, earthbound means of doing that. Food. Exercise. Money. Work. Practical shit. She is in trine with Juno in Virgo, who wants to know where your commitments are and how they are showing up in a quantifiable way. How are these commitments landing for you in real time and in real earth? And she is trined to Jupiter in Taurus which is a big ass dose of high level understanding about what you need to see to your continued comfort and safety. With maybe some luxury, because what is life if you can’t have some things you enjoy?

This is a solid trine with some serious ramifications. What do you want your earth life to feel like as it supports and comforts you? None of that small thinking, virtue signaling, small ass shit. Be real, be honest and know your worth.

March 2—Grand Air Trine South Node Rx in Libra/Venus in Aquarius/ Vesta in Gemini

Overlaid on that solid Earth Trine is this progressive and highly mental Air trine that hits and quits in 24 hours. So while it is here, grab it and run.

South Node in Libra is something that asks you to know where you gloss over your personal needs in order to serve your relationships, your station, or your sense of fairness. There are always times and places for this type of sacrifice, but we are asked here to see where it has become imbalanced and where we aren’t being our fullest selves because of this. Venus in Aquarius has these same tendencies, but she doesn’t stick around too long if the giving becomes taken for granted or boring as fuck. You have to embrace this Venus and see where you love as service, and where your boundaries are—this Venus will absolutely show you your boundaries if you bother to look. And then when Vesta in Gemini comes to the party, she opens up your mind to all the ways that you could be serving yourself if you took all that energy and made your own personal development the primary relationship in your life.

This trine is where the housewife, the lover and the priestess all meet to form a balanced trio that serves the highest divine feminine within you—male or female, take this energy and run with it. What would life look like if you were the center of your world?

March 5—Moon in Sagittarius trine Jupiter in Taurus

Now do it. Whatever needs to be done, do it. Don’t worry about it, don’t plan for it, just do it. Jupiter knows what it wants and Sagittarius is ready for anything. So with this alignment, you have the blessing of both your mind and your heart to start.

March 6 — Mars in Aquarius square Uranus in Taurus

Two opposing ideologies face off today, so it is worth taking a breath before getting into the thick of it. It will be extremely tempting to tear it all down and start fresh, but you have to do this with one eye on the final impact of your actions. Think it through all the way down the line to the farthest possible consequence.

Taurus Uranus has been at us to make foundation changes for years, so this feels like a natural and correct thing to do. Aquarius Mars will add to this in certain ways, lending a social mindset and justice aspect to that urge. It will feel like we should collectively burn down the castle because it is rotted at the root and nothing new can come from it.

That’s not necessarily the best usage of this month’s energy as a whole. Use that mitigating Aquarius energy present with this Mars to check in with like minded souls, take a higher perspective and weigh future outcomes against present satisfactions. That will help keep this square in check so when you do tear whatever it is down, it will be done with purpose.

March 8 — Mercury in Pisces conjunct Neptune in Pisces

You won’t know that you are full of shit today, and that’s okay. There is value in speaking from the space of dreams as long as you know that this is what you are doing. If you are aware that you manifest from this place of dreams, and that you speak your reality from this space of dreams, then you can use it from a place of power.

If you don’t and you let it all come from a place of delusion, or a place of blind optimism, then you are operating from a flawed perspective that skews everything you say. It taints everything that you do. Pisces is the liminal space of self dissolution and with the planet of the mind here you run into great strengths along with great risks. When conjunct with the planet of greater dissolution, you can find yourself lost in the realms of possibility, potentiality and hope with no reality background upon which to make it real.

So tap in, but also tune in. Know where you are and what you are doing. That way, when you use this immense, realm traversing power, you use it to create truth and not illusion. You can literally “make it so”. There is so much potential power here to set up for the next evolution of your goals, and when Mercury moves to Aries in just a few days the potential becomes the probable. So get it straight now.

March 10 — New moon in Pisces conjunct Sun/Saturn/Hygiea/Neptune in Pisces

Mercury enters Aries/ Mercury in Aries sextile Pluto in Aquarius

So. Much. Pisces. So much. You may as well swim in it and really get a feel for what Pisces has for you.

Pisces is the sign of dissolution. It takes the fully developed ego and melts it down into the wholeness of consciousness—much like salt dissolves into a glass of water. The salt is no longer salt, but the water is no longer water. They have been transformed by one another to create a different whole. In many ways this is the journey of both the human and the divine changing each other to make Divine Human.

When the dark moon and the sun come together here, there is literally light in is darkness. This is the Pisces portal of deep, deep water. The womb. The source. Together, you have creation. This is the space where you can both feel and see the deep potential in your life, and you can also feel where it is ready to become something else. This is not death. This is conception at its very finest.

Saturn, Hygiea and Neptune are all impacting what you see when you peer through the portal. Issues around how you are going to make all this happen are in front of your awareness as Saturn swims uncomfortably through these waters. You will have to let the answers come to you instead of seeking them out. What comes through Pisces is a knowing, not a categorical process of learning, implementing and reaping. It flows what you need to know to you, which isn’t easy for Saturn. Don’t try to think it, just let it come. Accessing some deeper, somatic rituals will help this process. Yoga, meditation, chanting, mystical rites, non-sleep deep relaxation, or dream work will all help you get to the right realms to hear the life that is waiting to be birthed.

At the same time, Mercury moves into Aries, which lends a quickness of mind to the mix. Once you hear it, you will be able to speak it into reality. Aries is fast and determined; it doesn’t wallow much. So once you get into the sub/super-conscious realms the impetus is to get in and get out. You are there to be informed and to feel the new. Once you have that...get out and get to it.

Mercury’s beneficial aspect to the forward thinking, high seeing, all knowing Pluto in Aquarius only adds another rich layer to this night. Your rituals for the lunar cycle need to center around dissolving into the new, hearing what is coming to you and then seeing if you can bring your perspective to a wide, wide, wide angle lens. Something huge this way comes—-and you want it.

March 12 — Venus enters Pisces

In a strange way, you are being asked to learn to love again. Something about the way you have being doing love, or thinking about love is due for a re-visitation so that you can become more deeply with the concept itself—as well as how it plays a role in your life.

Pisces loves without boundaries. And, while that sounds so wonderful on the surface and is a meta goal for us all, there is something to more—different—to learn when Venus shows up in this space. Venus is the goddess of love, yes. But she is also the goddess or home and hearth and food and comfort and ease. She is not the Mother Goddess, but rather a lover goddess. So there is a hugely sexual aspect to this Archetype, as well as a driving need to find sensual comfort.

Food, texture, warmth, satiety...these are all Venusian qualities and they are heightened when you let go of boundaries. When you go deeply into them, you learn things about them. When you experience them as something for you rather than things that need to be controlled or foregone, you learn about what makes you feel safe. What brings you to whole.

There’s a lot here if you open yourself to boundless love—for all things as well as all experiences.

Of course there can be trouble when one explores sensuality without border, or tries to dissolve into the lover for those higher sexual states. It can be addictive (a problem with many things Pisces), and that ‘just-over-there-is-more’ chasing is not a way to understand love. Nor is it the point of the exercise.

When you indulge is it actually indulgence, or is that just something you have been told?

March 14—Grand Earth trine Moon in Taurus/Ceres in Capricorn/ Juno in Virgo

Take. Care. Of. Yourself.

But lets do it in an earth way, something stable and steady and without flight of fancy or impatience. Feel in your heart what brings you comfort and ease. Write down what you like when it comes to food/health, rest, money, work, home, relationship—really lay it out and don’t be shy. Then organize that into levels of importance.

Which aspect is making you feel so unstable? Where are you blowing your energy outward trying to control or criticise? Where do you pick yourself apart out of a quiet need to seem ‘all together’? How are you not being your own best advocate, lover and partner? Think about these inside concepts the context of each area—food/health, rest, money, work, home, relationship...

Get these answers sorted out and record them somehow, so that there is a sense of accountability. Then, with the utmost loving care, set up a loose structure that helps you start to move towards that which brings you the most long-term comfort and security.

This trine hits and quits, so you only have a few days to work with this. Be kind. Let your heart talk.

March 17 — Sun in Pisces conjunct Neptune in Pisces

You have a few days of Pisces left to really feel into anything you want to understand. The Sun is moving on to Aries on the 20th, which will make this time of reflection all the more precious.

So be easy. Be soft. Be artistic. Doodle, create, dream. Be in your soul, not just your heart, and live these next couple of days as if you weren’t part of the Matrix. Right? If you didn’t have the invisible army in your ear telling you how to make your time socially valuable, how would you spend it? If productivity and output weren’t things, where would you go? What would you do?

This time here, when the Sun in Pisces conjunct the Ruler of Pisces, Neptune, is the perfect time to step outside the Matrix and just spend some time with your soul. Whatever that looks like for you is the absolute right thing to do.


March 19 — Moon in Cancer trine Sun/Neptune in Pisces

Moon in Cancer T-Square Chiron in Aries/South Node Rx in Libra

Now, lets take the energy of the 17th and bring it forward to today. Its still there; its still humming.

But now we add the energy of this Cancer Moon, allowing you to turn some of that gaze to your home and your family. You will have to be extremely careful to only do what you want to there; the impetus with a Cancer Moon is to give to those we love past the point of our own joy. This day is an opportunity to discover that boundary, and to love and give and support as much as you want to, not as much as you can or you should. This position of the Moon today is uniquely placed to help you solve that dilemma and balance out the sense of what you are supposed to give and what is healthy for you to give.

You can’t pour from an empty cup. Although Gods know that Cancer Moons try. So maybe give that shit up and take today to learn a different way.